West Sussex Gazette

Aircraft facts


Did you know?

That the black box is actually orange? The bright colour makes it easier to find in the highly unlikely event of it being required. They are also known as Flight Recorders and are typically specified to withstand an impact of 3400 g and temperatur­es of over 1,000 °C (1,830 °F).

■ That the PSI (pounds per square inch) of an aircraft ty re is around 6 times that of the average car tyre. The typical airliner tyre can handle a 38-ton load. It can meet the ground 500 times before needing a re-tread, a refresh it can take on seven times in its life.

■ That there is an engine to start the engine! An APU, or auxiliary power unit, runs the electrical systems of the aircraft. The Boeing 727 in 1963 was the first jetliner to feature a gas turbine APU, allowing it to operate at smaller airports, independen­t from ground facilities. The APU can be identified on many modern airliners by an exhaust pipe at the aircraft’s tail.

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