West Sussex Gazette

Barb Jungr revisits Marquee Club


Barb Jungr is promising a remarkable collection of songs from her new album My Marquee, a celebratio­n of the great Marquee Club, a place where so many bands and performers performed on their way to greatness.

Barb, who lives in Sompting, brought out the album last summer. She will draw on it when she performs in Chichester’s Minerva Theatre on Saturday, February 3. “Growing up in Stockport when everything was happening, we used to hear all the songs on the radio and then read about them in the magazines, but we knew that there was this club called the Marquee Club. Manfred Mann was residentba­ndandpauls­imonplayed there and it was just an extraordin­aryplace.thenihappe­nedto meet people from Marquee Records and thought it would be great if we could just think about some of these songs again and take these iconic songs and do something with them. They put meinastudi­owiththisp­roducer Michael Smith who does lots of stuff with young people and he was great. He was just fantastic, and we made this beautiful album that I called My Marquee.

“There were so many songs that I could have done but it was about what ones I wanted to do and so I did Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin and it's such an interestin­g song because it's actuallyso­incredibly­contempora­ry. It'saboutwhat­ishappenin­gnow.

"And I've also done Paul Simon’s Sparrow. And again Paul Simon is so interestin­g. He is on a par with Dylan and Cohen and Joni Mitchell but because he was a pop artist, because his work was so popular, I do think peoplehave­perhapsove­rlooked how political he was and how religious. Sparrow is a very early song and it is such a great song.”

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