West Sussex Gazette

‘We all have it in us to be criminals’


As playwright Gillian Plowman says, we are all criminals. Potentiall­y at least. We all have it within us to make bad decisions. And these are thoughts she explores across two short plays which she is presenting as a double bill through Arts Dream Selsey.

The Window Cleaner and The Allotment will be on Friday, April 26 at 7.30pm and Saturday, April 27 at 3.30pm at St Peter’s Hall, Selsey, with a total running time of one hour 50 minutes including a 20-minute interval.

In The Window Cleaner, when Jill, a window cleaner, encounters a young man in the apartment she’s working on, she realises immediatel­y he’s up to no good. In an effort to avoid becoming his victim, Jill quickly manages topersuade him to tell her about his upbringing and the road that has to his criminal led career.

Jill has a few secrets of her own to share, but there is one more surprise for both of them that might end up getting them both in big, big trouble.

The Allotment tells of four friends who are working together on an allotment on a lovely spring day: “They are a group of ladies who have been asked to do community service for one reason or another. They're not young but things have happened in their lives and they have committed misdeeds and that's why they're doing the community service.

"They are a strange mix and in the allotments they all try to live their own dreams but there's someone that wants to bring them face to face with the truth. The point is that anybody can get into trouble. The thing is how we get out of it.”

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