Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Salisbury gets the all-clear

Twelve months after the Novichok poisonings, we have special reports from the Wiltshire city

- LEWIS PENNOCK lewis.pennock@reachplc.com

SALISBURY has been declared decontamin­ated of Novichok after an almost year-long military clean-up following the Sergei Skripal poisoning.

The former Russian spy’s house and 11 other potentiall­y infected sites were ruled safe yesterday.

Military teams have spent 13,000 hours on the clean-up after Mr Skripal and his daughter Yulia were targeted with the nerve agent on March 4, 2018 and left seriously ill.

They took 5,000 test samples from across Salisbury and nearby Amesbury, where Dawn Sturgess, 44, was fatally poisoned in July, during the 355-day operation.

The Skripals’ house, in Christie Miller Road, was handed from the Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) back to Wiltshire Council yesterday.

Army Lieutenant General Ty Urch, who oversaw military involvemen­t in the clean-up, said the announceme­nt declared “all of those 12 sites safe”.

A Defra spokesman said: “The completion of clean-up work at Christie Miller Road, Salisbury, marks a significan­t milestone in south Wiltshire’s return to normality following the sickening Novichok nerve agent attack last year.

“The property was declared safe following extensive cleaning and testing by specialist teams. Wiltshire Council will shortly begin to co-ordinate work to refurbish the property, with residents of Christie Miller Road consulted on its future use.”

Alistair Cunningham, chairman of the south Wiltshire recovery co-ordinating group, said this was a “significan­t moment” for the area which can now “look to the future”.

He added: “Work will begin shortly to reconstruc­t and refurbish the house so it can return to being a home again. We are continuing to talk to the residents on the future of the property as it is important their views are taken into account on how it is used in the future.

Environmen­t minister Therese Coffey said the “profession­alism” of all those involved in the clean-up had been “exemplary”.

Along with the house, the sites include the park bench where the Skripals were found collapsed, the Zizzi restaurant where they had dined beforehand, and the home of Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey, who was exposed to the agent.

Lt Gen Urch, commander home command and standing joint commander, said it had been “the longest running” operation of its kind on British soil. He said: “Novichok is probably one of the most dangerous and most challengin­g chemicals in existence today and you don’t need very much of it and it’s highly spreadable.”

An estimated 600-800 specially trained military personnel, including the chemical, biological, radiologic­al and nuclear regiment, were involved in the clean-up, named Operation Morlop.

Around 190 worked at any one time and there were 250 “deliberate operations” to cross into and decontamin­ate danger areas.

A senior military source said the Skripal house was the “most complex” but each decontamin­ation effort was “bespoke” to the site.

Other sites were Salisbury and Amesbury ambulance stations, Bourne Hill police station, Ashley Wood vehicle recovery yard and The Mill pub.

Ms Sturgess fell ill and died after coming into contact with a perfume bottle believed to have been used in the attack on the Skripals and then discarded.

Her partner Charlie Rowley, 45, was also exposed to the nerve agent but was treated and discharged.

Mr Rowley’s home, a Boots pharmacy branch and Amesbury Baptist Church were also among the 12 sites.

In January, the roof of the Skripals’ house and garage were dismantled then removed and disposed of.

The roof was removed because the extent of the search “potentiall­y spread the agent into every nook and cranny”, the source said.

Lt Gen Urch said ambulances used in the initial response also had to be decontamin­ated during the “slow, deliberate and detailed operation”.

Special dressing zones were set up near the Novichok “hotspots” where teams changed into respirator suits which included equipment not normally used by the military, the general said.

“I think our military personnel have demonstrat­ed genuine courage,” he said.

“This is something which young girls and boys crossing the hot zone have never done before in their lives and it’s been an amazing demonstrat­ion of physical and mental courage.”

He said the attack, believed to have been orchestrat­ed by Russia’s secret service, was a “despicable act”, repeating a comment made by Prime Minister Theresa May in the aftermath.

Teams involved in the clean-up will be “recognised in due course for their courage”, Lt Gen Urch added.

I think our military personnel have demonstrat­ed genuine courage LT GEN URCH

 ?? Martin Cook/SWNS ??
Martin Cook/SWNS
 ??  ?? The Skripals’ house was declared safe following extensive cleaning and testing by specialist teams
The Skripals’ house was declared safe following extensive cleaning and testing by specialist teams
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