Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Trump is a deeply disturbed individual


THE White House in Washington has housed USA presidents of great distinctio­n.

Eisenhower, Roosevelt, Truman, Obama and more. Men with a grasp of core principles for leaders of nations. Statesmans­hip, clarity, humanity and care for the whole nation. Outreach to many other nation states; caring and a whole lot more. The present incumbent seems more interested in stirring up angst between factions to the point where another civil war has been cautiously considered, given the gulf between Trump’s rhetoric, his backers and the more stable people who are to be found across America. Trump’s histrionic­s were flowing full blast in the recent two-hour speech packed with untruth, savage attacks on anyone he dislikes and using his tongue to stir up discontent. I saw much of that speech, leaving me with the feeling it was the speech of a deeply disturbed human being who should not, hopefully, have access to the codes and buttons to start wars.

Just before that speech, his PR lady in the White House team went further than anyone else when she described Mr Trump as having been ‘personally chosen by God to be the president of the USA’! Well I never! The new Messiah has hence been announced for the whole world to acknowledg­e. It is true that Donald’s curious hairstyle does show a halo of light when back lit. Next step is perhaps to sack the Pope?

America is and will be a very great nation; respectabl­e and hard-working people who take responsibi­lity seriously. At the moment, however, the antics and twittering combine to traduce that greatness, hence lowering the esteem in which the USA has long been held. The sooner he departs the better. Trump Tower in New York is, by the way, next to a world famous jeweller.

Many years ago, as a young man, I turned away in awe of a giga diamond in a window and walked blindly into a group of men and barged straight into that great comedian Jerry Lewis. It was clearly an accident and he smiled at me as I was neatly picked up by his bodyguard and politely deposited back on to the pavement. They moved on. Years later (and this is nonsense by the way) I had a bronze plaque made to commemorat­e the incident and had it glued to the pavement just in front of where Trump Tower is today. Jerry Lewis probably bought a giga diamond whilst I wandered into a beef burger joint because it had a Scottish name I recognised, discoverin­g the joys of well-produced beef burgers; a culinary delight I gather Mr Trump consumes day after day. Tom Jones, Plymouth

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