Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Using anti-semitism to destroy Corbyn’

- Dr Richard House, Stroud, Gloucester­shire

THE right-wing media’s disgracefu­l weaponisin­g of the anti-semitism issue as their chosen approach to destroy Jeremy Corbyn and Labour’s electoral chances is an outrage in a democratic society.

Does anyone really believe that if Corbyn were to take action, as his critics keep demanding, the establishm­ent assault would then cease?

Not a bit of it and this is because their scorched earth assault has little if anything to do with anti-semitism and everything to do with the establishm­ent’s ingenious decision (from their viewpoint) to milk the anti-semitism issue for all its worth, as their best line for destroying Corbyn.

Some commentato­rs would clearly welcome ritualisti­c sacrifices of innocent Labour Party members to satisfy the odious blood-lust of this unholy establishm­ent alliance.

But Labour should never kowtow to bogus charges of anti-semitism, or it would merely be colluding with these gutter attacks on a principled politician – Corbyn – with an unrivalled life-long commitment to anti-racism.

There is an anti-semitism problem in Labour, and, of course, it must and will be rooted out.

But what we convenient­ly don’t hear from the establishm­ent attack dogs is that anti-semitism is a problem of society in general, that anti-semitism is no worse in Labour than anywhere else, more so it is far less of a problem in Labour than in virtually all other spheres of society and its incidence in Labour has actually decreased since Corbyn became Labour leader.

But listening to the orchestrat­ed assault on Labour, you’d never have any idea that this is the factual situation.

But hey, why let the facts get in the way of an effective propaganda assault?

Nearly a century ago in the

1924 general election, Labour was decimated by the lies contained in the Daily Mail’s fictional Mother of All Smears, the vile Zinoviev letter – and only subsequent­ly did historians discover the truth.

Today’s shameful establishm­ent attacks on Corbyn over antisemiti­sm, “communism” and the like are in exactly the same ballpark; and any genuine democracy will never allow an outrage comparable to 1924 to happen again.

Thankfully, however, increasing numbers of thinking people are waking up to the flagrant Machiavell­ian duplicity of this squalid anti-Corbyn alliance.

All fair-minded people will be waking voters up to these disreputab­le shenanigan­s right up to the next election.

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