Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Cleric ends job bid after probe

- ALEX ROSS alex.ross@reachplc.com

AWEST Country church leader set to become the new dean of an Australian cathedral has decided against the role after an investigat­ion was launched into historic messages he alleged posted on social media.

Wells Cathedral Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, pictured, withdrew his nomination for the post at St George’s Cathedral in Perth after “serious considerat­ion”, the Anglican Diocese of Perth confirmed.

Yesterday, a spokesman for Wells Cathedral said the canon was being given “full support” by the Chapter of Wells. He would not comment on whether the Rev Jepson-Biddle had kept his role as Precentor of Wells.

The controvers­y centred on Canon Jepson-Biddle’s social media activity which was revealed by newspaper The West Australian.

In one post he allegedly wrote in 2012 he wished “everyone would stop posting RIP Whitney Houston. Please.”

The Wells Cathedral spokesman said: “Wells Cathedral has been aware of the inquiry by the Archbishop of Perth, Australia and subsequent media interest following the announceme­nt of the cathedral’s precentor, Nicholas Jepson-Biddle, as the new Dean of Perth.

“We have subsequent­ly learned that Canon Jepson-Biddle has taken the difficult decision to withdraw his acceptance of the post.

“Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with Nick and his family at this difficult time.

“He has the full support of the Chapter of Wells as we focus on the work to be done here in Wells.”

A statement by Canon Jepson-Biddle to the congregati­on at Wells, as reported in the Church Times, said: “I am hugely grateful to many of you who have been in touch in recent weeks.

“It has not been an easy decision for us.

“I am enormously grateful also for the wholeheart­ed support of the Perth Chapter as the appointing body, and blessed by the support of my chapter colleagues here in Wells.”

Canon Jepson-Biddle arrived in Wells from Portsmouth Cathedral in 2013.

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