Western Daily Press (Saturday)


Gut health is closely linked to immune function – so how can you keep it in tip top shape? LIZ CONNOR asks the experts


AHEALTHY gut is key for overall health and affects so much more than just our digestion. With links to mental health, heart health, sleep, skin conditions and more, it’s no wonder the gut is often referred to as our ‘second brain’.

And did you know the health of your gut can also have a big impact on your immune function?

“Around 70% of your immune system is actually located in your gastrointe­stinal tract” says Corin Sadler, nutritioni­st at Higher Nature (highernatu­re. com).

“This means they are very closely linked and, in many ways, one and the same.

“So a healthy gut, filled with diverse bacteria, can be our best weapon in fighting off illnesses.”

So, what can you do to help keep your gut in good shape this winter?



“A diet that’s high in fibre is key for good gut function,” explains Corin. “Fibre helps with our digestion and supports a healthy gut microbiome, as it ‘feeds’ our good bacteria to help it thrive.”

In the UK, we generally don’t eat enough fibre, particular­ly if we’re consuming a lot of processed foods. The British Nutrition Foundation (nutrition.org.uk) says the average intake is 17.2g a day for women and 20.1g a day for men, falling short of the recommende­d average intake for adults of 30g per day.

To boost your fibre intake, Corin recommends adding a diverse range of plant-based sources to your daily menu, such as different fruits, vegetables, beans and pulses, as well as healthy cereals, wholegrain bread, pasta and brown rice. Keep things interestin­g and diverse by mixing up your high fibre foods each day. Look for foods containing high levels of prebiotic fibre too, such as leeks,

asparagus and bananas.



LIVE bacteria is sometimes believed to help ‘restore’ the balance of good bacteria in your gut. “When there’s an imbalance of bad and good bacteria in our body, this can impact our overall health.” Corin explains.

Live yoghurt, kefir and fermented foods and drinks are among popular options. There are also probiotic supplement­s (although supplement­s should always be secondary to a healthy, varied diet). Corin recommends daily probiotics such as Higher Nature’s ProIntensi­ve Extra (£21 for 30 capsules, highernatu­re.com), and suggests looking for one that contains 20 billion live organisms per dose and a variety of bacteria strains that work harmonious­ly to support the natural environmen­t of the gut.


GETTING regular exercise is also


linked to better gut health. “We all know exercise is good for almost everything, and this includes our gut health” Corin explains.

“A 2017 study found exercise is linked to increased diversity of gut bacteria, which is key for a healthy microbiome. And while more research is needed into this area to prove exactly why exercise is beneficial for the gut, the good news is that even gentle exercise, like walking and yoga, can help.”



GINGER doesn’t just taste great when whizzed in a healthy green juice, it also packs some pretty impressive gut health benefits.

Formulate Health (formulateh­ealth.com) pharmacist Mina Khan explains: “Ginger reduces nausea caused by gut problems and stimulates the digestive system, which helps keep you regular and maintain a healthy gut. What’s more, ginger has fantastic anti-inflammato­ry properties, making it perfect for sufferers of IBS. From ginger tea, to using it in stir-frys and curries, there are so many possibilit­ies when it comes to this wonderful spice.”



“ARTIFICIAL sweeteners found in soft drinks may be harmful to gut bacteria and ‘damage’ the health of our microbiome,” Corin says. “This includes aspartame, which is found in diet soft drinks.

“While these diet soft drinks are often the preferred choice for the health-conscious, research has found that toxins are released when gut bacteria is exposed to the sweeteners. Cutting down on drinks with artificial sweeteners – in exchange for naturally flavoured water, with fresh lemon, lime or cucumber – where possible, is much better for our gut




IT’S a worrying time for lots of us right now, but being mindful of managing our stress levels can really make a difference.

“Stress can activate a negative chain reaction in the body, including the production of cortisol, which can change the balance of good bacteria in the gut, affecting communicat­ion pathways between the gut and the brain,” says Corin.

“Stress can also affect our digestion and the movement of food through the gut. For some people, it can speed digestion up and for others it can slow it right down, which can result in a host of different gut issues, from bloating and constipati­on to diarrhoea.”

There are loads of things that can help offset stress, exercise or moving our bodies being one of the biggest. Fresh air, watching a comedy, putting your phone on silent and cooking a nourishing meal – every little helps.

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 ??  ?? Ginger has plenty of health benefits
Ginger has plenty of health benefits
 ??  ?? Fibre is essential for a healthy gut
Fibre is essential for a healthy gut

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