Western Daily Press (Saturday)




1 To begin with, our son leaving Branksome was upsetting (6)

5 I was hit by a bus in Plymouth -- it shattered a bone in my pelvis (5)

9 Juliet and I have been to three seances in this old, haunted place in the centre of Truro, where they use a board with letters to contact the dead (5)

10 I hear Little Beatrice from Benton had to go to A&E following an accident -- she’s a very young child (7)

11 I’m an old age pensioner from Portishead who gets muddled up and behaves indecisive­ly (7)

12 Glen and Sue are both leaving Gunnislake at the end of June, and going off travelling -- they are of a similar character (4)

14 Last year, my aunty was involved in a severe accident on the seafront -- by the water at Portishead (6,7)

17 Les, a head chef from Launcells, was involved in a crash which left him an invalid (4)

18 My first property was in Alston, and then I moved to a place near Dartmouth (7)

21 A hollow in the road surface caused damage to the back of our coach in a backstreet in Poole (7)

22 This profession­al novelist, initially from Potterne, went to a top university and made an exemplary student (5)

23 They’re building a health centre, right on the outskirts of Germoe -- it’s going to be relatively big (5) 24 I spotted a number of large sea vessels sailing around when I was on the seafront near Exmouth at first light (6)


2 I was in the centre of West Moors when the storm first hit, but surprising­ly I only got a bit wet (5)

3 I took my two parents on a ramble around my place near Nancledra (8)

4 Kirk and Glen live with their son, Les, in a place on the waterfront about two miles from Dainton (13)

5 This small lake is halfway between Camborne and Redruth (4)

6 Last week, a black car was hit by the front of a lorry in an accident on our housing estate in Bridgend (7)

7 I saw a flock of geese flying around in the middle of Malmesbury at the weekend (5)

8 My son and daughter both live on the outskirts of Carno, in newly-built American-style properties (6)

13 At the beginning of November, a leading modern artist moved into our village near Mawgan (2,6)

15 This village near Braunton was the scene of a violent revolt by leading abolitioni­sts (7)

16 I have a second home in Nye which is on a small road which winds off into the distance (6)

17 My pal, who lives on the outskirts of Eastington, is travelling to a place in the Himalayas (5)

19 My daughter is going out with a headmaster from Dartmouth -- she’s training to be a teacher herself (5)

20 The river at Taunton flows to the northeast (4)

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