Western Daily Press (Saturday)

He’s just an unelected megalomani­ac


THE question on July 22’s letters page was “What do you think of the Dominic Cummings interview?” I honestly don’t know. At the time I was a patient in the Daisy Ward at GWH Swindon and, as is usual, was being looked after commendabl­y well by all staff there.

Even if I was at home, I wouldn’t have bothered myself to listen to an interview with Dominic Cummings, the attention-seeking megalomani­ac who was never elected to office yet thinks he deserves so much media attention; despite his claims he has never really achieved any real results in his time around Boris Johnson.

The Tories, especially Johnson, Gove and Cummings, would have us believe it was the Tory party who won the Brexit campaign, while we all know it was the smaller Brexiteer groups who did all the work and of course Ukip led by Nigel Farage, who turned the tide of history.

This country should be very afraid of what Boris Johson is seeking to do with his Covid passports, and that is to introduce identity cards by the back door. Cummings was probably a willing minion in drawing up these plans and that’s all he ever was. I’ll never understand the media interest in this horrible little man!

Last weekend a devoted Tory was trying to tell me that Johnson is running a benign dictatorsh­ip. They must take us for fools; no dictatorsh­ip will ever be benign! Anyone needing proof of this administra­tion’s direction only needs to look at the dawn raids on suspected whistleblo­wers who gave the proof to the press about Matt Hancock’s flouting of his own Covid rules and regulation­s with his lover, and the raids on journalist­s’ homes by the police. In Johnson’s Britain it’s not the law breakers who are persecuted – it’s those trying to stop them. That the Freedom of Informatio­n people were involved in these sordid raids is astonishin­g; they were created to protect the citizens of this country.

Stuart Eels Yatton Keynell, Wiltshire

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