Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Reducing boat ‘traffic’ helps fish breed more

- STEPHEN BEECH news@westerndai­lypress.co.uk

REDUCING the amount of boat “traffic” near coral reefs encouraged fish to breed more, West researcher­s have revealed.

Coral reef fish reproduce more successful­ly if motorboat noise is reduced, according to the findings.

Scientists introduced “traffic calming” on three reefs for an entire breeding season – cutting the number of boats within 100 metres, and reducing the speed of those within that distance.

They then tracked the breeding of fish called spiny chromis – and found 65 per cent of nests on quieter reefs still contained offspring at the end of the season, compared to 40 per cent on reefs with busy motorboat traffic.

Offspring were larger on quieter reefs and each nest also contained more offspring at the end of the season, according to the findings published in the journal Nature Communicat­ions.

Aquarium tests on the same species show that noise disrupts important parental behaviours – including “fanning” eggs with their fins to ensure oxygen supply.

The research, led by the universiti­es of Exeter and Bristol, was carried out at reefs near Lizard Island Research Station on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

Lead author Dr Sophie Nedelec, of the University of Exeter, said: “With coral reefs worldwide facing multiple threats, the results of our experiment offer a way to help struggling population­s.

“Simply reducing boat noise at reefs provides fish with much-needed relief to allow successful reproducti­on.

“Moving boating channels further away from reefs, driving slowly when approachin­g reefs, and avoiding anchoring next to reefs provide three simple changes that any boat driver can adopt.

“These solutions put the power in the hands of local people to protect vulnerable ecosystems.”

Dr Nedelec added: “No one has attempted a field experiment like this before.

“We monitored six reefs – three with traffic calming and three without – for a whole summer breeding season, swimming every other day along each reef to monitor the survival of 86 spiny chromis broods in their natural habitat.”

Of 46 nests observed on reefs where traffic calming was implemente­d, 30 still contained offspring at the end of the breeding season. On ‘control’ reefs, with no traffic calming, just 16 out of 40 still contained offspring.

Co-author Professor Andy Radford, of Bristol University, said: “The complement­ary lab study demonstrat­ed that these improvemen­ts to breeding really are due to limiting noise pollution, and not other kinds of disturbanc­e from the boats.”

He said the combined results suggest that reducing boat noise could have major benefits for population­s of reef fish, making reefs more resilient to changes currently being driven by human activity. Cyclones and bleaching are becoming increasing­ly common due to climate change, and cause devastatio­n when they strike.

Finding ways to speed up population growth after such destructiv­e events could make the difference between decline or recovery.

However, the team stress that limiting boat traffic won’t be enough to completely protect coral reefs.

Senior author Professor Steve Simpson, also of Bristol University, adde: “We know reefs around the world are in trouble.

“While we try to tackle the biggest threat of climate change, we need simple solutions that reduce local threats.

“Acoustic sanctuarie­s can build resilience on coral reefs, and help give reefs more chance of recovery.”

 ?? ?? The team stress that limiting boat traffic won’t be enough to completely protect coral reefs
The team stress that limiting boat traffic won’t be enough to completely protect coral reefs

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