Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Vince to end funding for ‘pointless’ protests on oil

- NINA LLOYD wdp@reachplc.com

GREEN energy industrial­ist Dale Vince has announced he will stop funding eco-group Just Stop Oil and will instead focus on an anti-Conservati­ve campaign encouragin­g the younger generation to get out and vote.

The Stroud-based Ecotricity founder, who has donated to both climate activists and Labour, said continued disruption was “pointless” as the Government will not change its stance on oil and gas drilling in the North Sea.

He said he will instead divert his efforts to new cause, “Just Vote”, which encourages young people and first-time voters to exercise their democratic right.

In a statement, Mr Vince said: “It’s a fact of our electoral system that only one of two parties can form the next government; we want to bring a focus to this reality and to the opportunit­y that we have – to elect a green government, one that will embrace the opportunit­ies we face, rather than make an enemy of them – and use them to tackle the long list of issues we face as a country.”

Labour has promised to ban the granting of new licences to explore oil and gas fields in the North Sea.

Mr Vince applauded the “conviction and commitment” of Just Stop Oil protesters, whose demonstrat­ions he has funded from their inception, but suggested further action would play into the Government’s hand by feeding the so-called “culture war”.

“While I understand the frustratio­n that people feel, I believe that further protests and the disruption that comes with them are pointless. I would go further and say they would be counterpro­ductive,” he said.

“Consequent­ly, I’m no longer going to fund protest but will instead switch all of my time, effort and funding to a new cause.”

It comes after Rishi Sunak last month watered down efforts to tackle the climate crisis, including a fiveyear delay to the ban on new fossil fuel cars, to avoid a public “backlash”.

Labour pledged to retain the 2030 target for electric cars if it wins the next election.

Polling has suggested Britons support measures to tackle climate change – but the balance shifts when asked their opinion if such actions dealt a blow to their personal finances.

Just Stop Oil has been contacted for comment.

Meanwhile, The Green Party believes it can help “cut bills for good” if it wins four seats at the next general election, according to its coleaders.

Carla Denyer, who is a Bristol City councillor and a parliament­ary candidate in Bristol Central, one of the new constituen­cies being created for the next general election, and Adrian Ramsay outlined their hopes to make bigger parties follow their lead on several issues, including a nationwide home insulation scheme, if they can boost their numbers in the House of Commons. They said this will involve calling for a series of policies aimed at helping the environmen­t and easing the cost of living for people.

Caroline Lucas is currently the only Green MP although she will not seek re-election for Brighton Pavilion. The party is not only aiming to retain a foothold in Brighton but also win seats in North Herefordsh­ire, Bristol and the Waveney Valley, which takes in parts of Norfolk and Suffolk. Speaking at the Green Party conference in Brighton, Mr Ramsay said: “With a general election coming up next year we have an opportunit­y like never before to make a real difference, to elect four MPs who will lead the way for the other parties to follow.

“Because we know that we can do better than this.”

Ms Denyer said: “The Conservati­ves have been a disaster for the climate, playing cynical political games with the biggest issue of our time.”

She added: “And Labour? Following them every step of the way – willing onlookers to the Conservati­ves’ climate crimes.”

Ms Denyer criticised the developmen­t of the Rosebank oil and gas field and said the solutions to the cost-of-living crisis are the same as the climate crisis.

She went on: “With four Green MPs in Parliament we’ll have the voices to call for a nationwide home insulation scheme, not just to lower emissions but to make people’s homes warm in winter and cut their bills for good.

“Proper investment in renewable energy, the cheapest way to generate electricit­y, not just to decarbonis­e our energy system but to create new jobs across the country, improve our energy security and cut bills for good.”

 ?? Getty Images ?? Ecotricity founder Dale Vince said he will be backing efforts to get young people to vote rather than Just Stop Oil protests
Getty Images Ecotricity founder Dale Vince said he will be backing efforts to get young people to vote rather than Just Stop Oil protests
 ?? Getty Images ?? > Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer addresses delegates during the Green Party’s conference at the Brighton Centre
Getty Images > Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer addresses delegates during the Green Party’s conference at the Brighton Centre

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