Western Daily Press (Saturday)



Makes: 12 rolls


470g All-purpose Regenerati­ve White Flour

100g Milk

150g Water

7g Dried yeast (1 sachet)

80g Butter (unsalted, at room temperatur­e)

2 Eggs

3 Tbsp Sugar


In a saucepan, warm the water and milk over a low heat until lukewarm. Off heat, add the sugar and mix until dissolved. Add the yeast and stir, then set aside and leave to bloom for 5 minutes.

Add the flour and salt to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook attachment, pour over the milk and water mixture and mix on a slow speed until incorporat­ed. Add the eggs and mix for a further 5 minutes until a sticky dough forms.

Turn the speed up to a medium/high setting and start adding the butter, a tablespoon at a time. Continue mixing until the butter is incorporat­ed and the dough is silky – it won’t be dry but shouldn’t leave dough behind in the mixer.

Shape into a smooth ball and leave in a covered place for 1 hour to prove – you may want to leave it in a warm spot like your airing cupboard!

Once the dough has doubled in size, turn out onto a lightly floured surface and divide into 12 equal pieces. Shape the pieces into rolls by tucking the messy side into itself, as if you’re trying to turn the dough pieces inside out.

Place the rolls snugly into a prepared square cake tin – there shouldn’t be much room for growth in the tin. Cover and leave to rise again for a further hour, at this point you should preheat the oven to 180°C.

Once the rolls have doubled in size again (they should now be filling the tin well), gently brush the top with an egg-wash before baking for 30 minutes or until golden brown.

Turn out of the tin and cool on a wire rack before enjoying with extra butter.

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