Western Daily Press (Saturday)

The anti communist sister of Fidel Castro


JUANITA Castro, the sister of Cuban rulers Fidel and Raul Castro, who worked with the CIA against their communist government, has died in Miami aged 90.

Florida had been her home since shortly after fleeing the island nearly 60 years ago.

Journalist Maria Antonieta Collins, who co-wrote Juanita Castro’s 2009 book, Fidel And Raul, My Brothers. The Secret History, wrote on Instagram that she died on Monday.

In her book, Juanita Castro, a staunch anti-communist, wrote that she began collaborat­ing with the CIA shortly after the United States botched the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961.

She had originally supported her older brothers’ efforts to overthrow dictator Fulgencio Batista, raising money and buying weapons.

She became disillusio­ned when Fidel Castro became a hard-line communist after taking power in 1959 and pushed those who disagreed out of his government.

When her home in Cuba became a sanctuary for anti-communists in the early 1960s, Fidel Castro warned his sister not to get involved with the “gusanos”, or worms as the government called those who opposed the revolution.

She said in her book that it was the wife of Brazil’s ambassador to Cuba who persuaded her to meet a CIA officer during a 1961 trip to Mexico City.

She said she told the agent that she did not want any money, and would not support any violence against her brothers or others.

She said the CIA used her to smuggle messages, documents and money back into Cuba hidden inside tinned goods.

They communicat­ed with her via shortwave radio, playing a waltz and a song from the opera Madame Butterfly as signals that her handlers had a message for her.

She remained on the island while their mother was alive, believing that protected her from Fidel’s full wrath.

“My brothers could ignore what I did or appear to ignore it so as not to hurt my mum, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have problems,” she wrote.

After their mother died in 1963, “everything was becoming more dangerousl­y complicate­d”.

Castro fled Cuba the following year, after Raul helped her get a visa to Mexico. She never saw her brothers again.

“I cannot longer remain indifferen­t to what is happening in my country,” she told reporters in Mexico.

“My brothers Fidel and Raul have made it an enormous prison surrounded by water. The people are nailed to a cross of torment imposed by internatio­nal Communism.”

She eventually settled into a quiet life in Miami, where she ran a Little Havana pharmacy and became a respected member of the CubanAmeri­can community. She became a US citizen in 1984.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba until 2008.

 ?? ?? > Joel Garner, left, pictured with Viv Richards, centre, at Lansdown Cricket Club in Bath. Garner, who is 71 today, is a former West Indian cricketer, and a member of the highly regarded late 1970s and early 1980s West Indies cricket teams. Garner, who also played for Somerset with Richards, is the highest ranked One Day Internatio­nal bowler according to the ICC best-ever bowling ratings, and is 37th in Tests. Garner was a member of the West Indies team that won their second world title in the 1979 Cricket World Cup
> Joel Garner, left, pictured with Viv Richards, centre, at Lansdown Cricket Club in Bath. Garner, who is 71 today, is a former West Indian cricketer, and a member of the highly regarded late 1970s and early 1980s West Indies cricket teams. Garner, who also played for Somerset with Richards, is the highest ranked One Day Internatio­nal bowler according to the ICC best-ever bowling ratings, and is 37th in Tests. Garner was a member of the West Indies team that won their second world title in the 1979 Cricket World Cup

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