Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Immigratio­n chaos will have big impact


their party managers seem to last for ever and still can’t resist wanting to be in control. Opinions from the membership are still not liked.

I believe people want a return of a government of the people by the people, from all walks of life and from all parts of the country. The West Country needs more Labour MPs representi­ng the needs and ambitions of a cross section of

West Country working and retired people; not just a government of upper middle class green welly suburbanit­es.

As a nation and as a planet we face momentous problems.

First on global warming, on AI, on economies and an ageing population and movement of population and on trust between nations.

We need a parliament that can work together, and where dissent and disagreeme­nt is not so much about where we wish to be, but about how best we get there.

Don Frampton Newton Abbot, Devon

SOME years ago, British territory was being invaded. The then British government organised a task force that sailed thousands of miles to eject the invaders, which cost time, money and loss of British servicemen’s lives.

Contrast that with what this inept Government is doing about the cross-Channel illegal migrants, not only doing nothing but actively helping the illegal migrants ashore.

You cannot quite believe it. And they are actually boasting that last year ‘only’ 36,000 made it across, which was mainly due to bad weather rather than anything they did.

We deserve better than this lot in Westminste­r. The First World War saying came to mind... ‘Lions led by donkeys’. Fortunatel­y, I am 80 years plus, so I probably will not see this problem solved. But I do fear for my children and their families.

John Roberts By email

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