Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Youth jailed for killing teenager in resort fight

- BEN MITCHELL wdp@reachplc.com

AN 18-year-old has been jailed for nine years for the manslaught­er of another 18-yearold he stabbed to death during a fight in Bournemout­h town centre.

Thomas Betteridge, of Southsea, Hampshire, was found guilty of the manslaught­er of Cameron Hamilton and possessing a bladed article following a 21-day trial at Bournemout­h Crown Court.

The teenager had claimed he had acted in self-defence and he was cleared by the jury of Mr Hamilton’s murder.

Lennie Hansen, also 18, of Waterloovi­lle, was convicted of possessing a bladed article, which related to him bringing the 12.5cm knife that Betteridge used for the fatal stabbing. He is to be sentenced next month.

Hamilton suffered a fatal stab wound to his chest during the altercatio­n, which took place in The Square in the Dorset seaside resort at about 1.25am on August 5 2023.

A Dorset Police spokesman said: “Despite the efforts of officers, who were on the scene within seconds of the fatal stabbing, and paramedics who subsequent­ly attended, Cameron was very sadly pronounced dead at the scene.”

The court was told a witness had described Betteridge telling Hansen in a “boastful way” that he had “sliced up” the victim and had “shanked him”.

Betteridge was sentenced to nine

years in a young offender institutio­n with an extended licence period of three years.

Judge William Mousley KC said that the defendant had been drunk and affected by cocaine when the fatal incident happened and said: “I have concluded the use of the knife was wholly unnecessar­y in the face of the threat he felt.”

He added: “Cameron Hamilton was a much-loved family member with a large circle of friends. He was popular and he had his whole adult life ahead of him. His death and the way it happened has a huge everlastin­g impact on those who knew him and leaves a void in their lives. The effect of the lengthy sentence you are to receive is small in comparison.”

In a victim impact statement read to the court, Mr Hamilton’s mother, Sarah Robinson, said: “Cam did not deserve to die that day and my family do not deserve to be without him. The defendants will one day be released from prison and get to live a life but we, Cam’s family, are the ones with a true life sentence.”

In a statement released after Betteridge’s conviction, Mr Hamilton’s family said: “We as a family still remain and always will be, truly devastated by the loss of our beautiful Cam. We will never get over his life being so horribly taken from him. Our lives are changed forever.

“Cam was loved by all that had the pleasure of knowing him. He was a loving and caring, intelligen­t, polite young man with his whole life ahead of him.

“He is missed so much by us all.”

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 ?? ?? Left, Cameron Hamilton and, right, his killer Thomas Betteridge
Left, Cameron Hamilton and, right, his killer Thomas Betteridge

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