Western Daily Press (Saturday)

Jobs and money before human life


IN response to Mr Mercer (Letters, 8th April) no, I don’t support the arms industry. It’s one thing having defensive armoury but quite another supplying weapons of death to others.

How Biden and Cameron can criticise Israel on one hand while selling them arms on the other is beyond hypocrisy.

I believe you illustrate the Tory mindset by putting jobs and money before human life. Such engineerin­g skills could be put to more constructi­ve use.

I will criticise any government where necessary and don’t believe the current centrist Labour Party will produce the social justice I desire. How can they when moneyobses­sed corporatio­ns rule?

You speak of “putting our own people first” when clearly we don’t, preferring a society where all public services are decimated for the increasing wealth of the few.

There’s enough money to eradicate poverty and homelessne­ss but corporate greed and the adoration of money by said few won’t allow it.

This isn’t socialist dogma Mr Mercer; it is our world’s history where the majority are exploited by the few. Did you get wage rises and bonuses and severance pay even when you screwed up at work ? Are the powerful ever held truly to account?

Surely we must learn a fairer, more just way to inhabit this planet because all people are our own people. Where is conscience and morality within our present corporate mindset society?

Someone once said the “love of money is the root of all evil “. Perhaps we need a long look in the mirror to see what we have become?

Peter Lawrence Dursley, Gloucester­shire

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