Western Daily Press

Soon we’ll be afraid to open our mouths

- Robert Readman Bournemout­h

HOW sad to learn that William Sitwell, editor of Waitrose Food magazine has been forced to resign from the job he has held for 20 years, having become the latest victim of PC nutters who took offence at his tongue-in-cheek comment “How about a series on killing vegans one by one?” when a freelance journalist suggested a feature on plant-based meals.

It was a joke, for God’s sake. Did that thin-skinned hack seriously think that Mr Sitwell was suggesting a cull of vegans? This same idiotic mentality was displayed recently when Jackie Doyle-Price, the newly appointed Minister for Mental Health, Inequaliti­es and Suicide Prevention was accused of being unfit for the post because four years ago, when asked if she would ever consider joining UKIP, she responded: “I’d rather jump off Beachy Head.” Again, seized upon by PC nitwits to indicate that she had no sympathy for or empathy with those suffering mental health problems.

Surely, the day cannot be too far off when we will all be too afraid to open our mouths for fear of offending someone somewhere on the planet.

I suppose I should consider myself lucky not to have been overhead by one of these humourless, thinskinne­d snowflakes, reported to the police and arrested earlier this week when I remarked in public that “I could kill for a cup of tea”!

The PC Brigade is fast becoming the equivalent of the Former East Germany’s Stasi.

They really do need to get a life.

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