Western Daily Press

Can’t Switzerlan­d’s solution work for us?

- Helen Capel Winscombe

“EUROPE has a history of these second votes,” writes one correspond­ent, and “Europe’s nations owe us for their freedom,” writes Mrs Taylor in the Letters pages on October 24 – too true! As is Stuart Eels’ “Irish border problem is just a delusion” printed on November 1. Why hasn’t Theresa May openly challenged Barnier and co with the example of non-EU Switzerlan­d being surrounded by EU countries with no problems? If it can work for Switzerlan­d, it can work for Ireland and Britain, or am I missing something?

If we have another referendum on leaving the EU, it will make us the laughing stock of the world and that is just what Brussels want. Also, does that mean that every time we have a general election and the minority don’t agree with the results, we should have another election? Let’s face it, whichever party wins, they never keep to all of their promises. #

In reply to Robert Craig, it is news to me that Scottish nationalis­ts want to get rid of the Barnet Formula, because if they did they would lose a lot of money from Westminste­r. It is the English who want to cancel the Barnet Formula as it is biased towards Scotland and very unfair for the English people, and would save us a lot of money.

One of the reasons we want to get out of the EU is so we can control our own affairs. If Scotland stays in the EU they won’t be able to have control over their own affairs as Brussels rules all the other 27 countries and they are likely to tighten up even more if the EU hierarchy have their way. Lawyers, MPs and other businessme­n calling for another EU referendum are not only alienating themselves from

the majority of the British public, but making fools of themselves. Can’t these so-called intelligen­t profession­als see by staying in the EU, we would be in a worse position than we are now and tied to their draconian rules for ever, having even less say than we have had, which isn’t much? Why should we “yield more ground” when Brussels refuse to, as they seem to have the “upper hand” with the way negotiatio­ns are going? It needs James Dyson, Tim Martin and Jacob Rees-Mogg to sort out Barnier and co and tell them a few home truths.

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