Western Daily Press




HORRIBLE opening scenes will send a chill through you as this dark thriller continues.

It’s the dead of night and young nurse Sofie Cerna is running from an invisible assailant and struggling to breathe. The whole event is really quite disturbing to watch.

She’s later discovered on the platform of Charing Cross tube station and DI Will Wagstaffe (Tom Riley) is called to the scene. “It’s weird,” says his colleague.

There’s no evidence of a struggle but she seems to have been asphyxiate­d. Was she hallucinat­ing? A quick check of the CCTV footage makes everything even stranger.

This is a gripping episode as the team sets about unpicking the clues to find out what happened. And there’s emotional drama too as Staffe receives some personal news involving his nephew Harry.

As long as you like your TV gloomy, there’s plenty of crime and misery here to keep you hooked until tomorrow’s episode.


AFTER the obligatory shots of candidates in their pants, preening themselves in the mirror, they are on their way to London’s City Airport.

Standing on a runway for dramatic effect, Lord Alan Sugar asks them to devise a marketing campaign for a brand-new budget airline.

They need to come up with a distinctiv­e brand, make a 30-second TV advert and design a uniform that flies the flag for their new airline.

Two days to conquer the skies, but there’s cabin fever before too long, as the teams try to pick a pilot. Then there’s the matter of picking a name, uniform and logo.

As ever, the pitches in front of industry experts will make you cringe, but there are lots of unexpected laughs too as someone thinks “Highway To Hell” is a good strap line and elsewhere an explosion causes concern.

 ??  ?? The darkness continues as fresh crimes are investigat­ed
The darkness continues as fresh crimes are investigat­ed
 ??  ?? Lord Sugar challenges the remaining apprentice­s to market a new budget airline
Lord Sugar challenges the remaining apprentice­s to market a new budget airline

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