Western Daily Press

Threat to postnatal hospital beds


NEW mums recovering from childbirth may soon not be able to do so in Chippenham as postnatal beds are put under threat.

Concerns that Chippenham will lose the service for new mums has been raised by councillor­s who want to see postnatal beds kept running in the town.

A consultati­on into maternity services in Wiltshire and B&NES proposes that Chippenham birthing unit will stop providing overnight accommodat­ion for new mums to recover from birth.

There are currently five beds available and are used by mums who have had a Caesarian section or need support breastfeed­ing.

According to the consultati­on, 95 per cent of beds at free-standing units are left empty as women rarely need to stay in a community hospital after giving birth.

It says closing postnatal beds means resources can be used to offer better breastfeed­ing support and postnatal care in the home.

A total of 89 postnatal beds at the obstetric units at Royal United Hospital in Bath, Salisbury District Hospital and Great Western Hos- pital, Swindon, will remain in use.

Mums from a local baby and toddler group have said the unit is a valuable resource.

Among them was Alana Neads, who lives in Corsham and spent two days in a postnatal bed to recover from a Caesarian delivery of her second child.

She said: “It was very stressful in Bath but going to Chippenham really helped my recovery. Bath is so much more clinical.”

Chippenham Town Council will decide tomorrow evening whether to form a working group.

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