Western Daily Press

Hypocritic­al Welsh/ English border rules

- T Reynolds, Swindon W P Howard, By email

THE article in the WDP in relation to travel in the English/Welsh counties, shows how the Welsh Labour Government is run by those with not so much hindsight and more than enough hypocrisy.

In the week ending May 16, the number of Covid tests in Wales was running at a very low level, the highest number recorded that week in England was 133,000 and the highest number recorded in Wales was 1,421.

It was reported that this caused the Department for Work and Pensions to issue a notice to its staff that if they were worried about the Covid levels, they should go to England and have a test carried out there. There is nothing wrong in that, we are all part of the national NHS, but to then say that English people can’t travel into Wales is a bit much, to say the least. Wonder what Sir Keir Starmer says about this? the referendum and the vote with them would be 73 per cent remain.

Roger do your sums and listen to the truth and accept the Brexit disaster and the fact that one-sided politician­s like Cummings managed to convince the innocent that out of EU was to be good for UK.

We were lowest GDP when we joined and highest when stupidly we voted on lies to leave. feeble, unconvinci­ng attempt to justify this fiasco to the people. His reasons are quite simple,of course – without this dangerous,scheming man he would be completely lost. The latest phrase he put in the PM’s mouth – “let’s move on” is simple but clever.

It was encouragin­g that a good number of Tory MPs (including James Gray in Malmesbury) had the courage to speak out for the overwhelmi­ng majority of the public

also at issue is the arrogant and clumsy way in which the Prime Minister and colleagues have dealt with it. I believe Boris Johnson has dismissed criticism as ‘political ping pong’. Well, in Parliament maybe but not outside the Westminste­r ‘bubble’.

Through weeks and weeks of privation, causing great anguish to some, we have heard Downing Street press conference­s claiming that the Government has done this or provided that, only for a chorus from the grass roots sectors saying ‘Oh no, you haven’t!’. It then emerges that ministers have secretly condoned and justified the breaking of lockdown guidelines. Given this hypocrisy, is it any wonder that a once supportive and largely tolerant general public now feels betrayed, angry and cynical?

I can only think that, with a focus on the economy, the Prime Minister and his colleagues have completely failed to understand the emotional and psychologi­cal impact of the Covid lockdown crisis on ordinary people.

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