Western Daily Press

‘I’m betting on a National female winner’

- EMMA GRIMSHAW emma.grimshaw@reachplc.com

THE West-based woman who was the first to ever ride in the Grand National is hoping for a female winner in tomorrow’s big race.

When Charlotte Brew made history in 1977 as the first woman to ride in the famous race, it wasn’t just the huge fences she had to overcome.

There were many in the racing community, and in the public, who thought she shouldn’t have been there.

Ginger McCain, who trained Red Rum to win his third National in that historic race in 1977, summed up the opposition succinctly.

He insisted that women should not be allowed to ride in the world’s most famous steeplecha­se “under any circumstan­ces”.

Charlotte was 21 when she became a trailblaze­r for female jockeys, riding Barony Fort in the National on the legendary Aintree course in Merseyside.

Her big day ended in disappoint­ment when the 200-1 outsider, which she had received as an 18th birthday present, refused at the fourth last.

But the outcome didn’t matter. She had broken down yet another gender barrier, helped transform horse racing and had become an instant celebrity.

For more than a decade the mother of three has run a catering business from her farm at Enmore in Somerset, where she also trains horses for point-to-point races.

Now Charlotte, aged 65, told the Mirror: “Even now it seems incredible such a big thing was made of it.”

But it was a big thing... and a string of women have followed in her groundbrea­king wake.

Seven have claimed top 10 finishes in the National, with the highest being Katie Walsh who was third on Seabass in 2012.

Charlotte says the time has come for a woman to win the great race.

Rachael Blackmore, Bryony Frost and Tabitha Worsley are set to be at the starting line on Saturday.

Charlotte says: “Every year it gets a little closer. It has to happen sooner or later. Rachael Blackmore is doing so well. She is so tough and profession­al.

“Bryony Frost will have a big ride and Tabitha, perhaps the least well known, is an extremely good rider.”

Charlotte earned her place in the race after finishing fourth in the Foxhunters’ Chase, run over the National fences, the previous year.

“It was a dream to qualify for the Grand National. I could not believe it,” she says.

But her joy turned to dismay when she faced a barrage of sexism.

“Those who were antagonist­ic were very antagonist­ic. I had a lot of trouble from David Nicholson, one of the leading trainers, and from Julian Wilson, the BBC commentaal­one in her silks and fought her way tor. They were very vociferous. through a mass of spectators.

“I was only young and not confi“There was a crowd around the dent at dealing with anything like paddock and I could hear people that, whereas now you’d just say ‘p*** saying ‘ where is the lady jockey?’, off ’.” and I was standing right behind

But Charlotte, who lived in a vilthem. I couldn’t get through to get lage in Essex, received plenty of supon the horse.” port from some of the biggest names Of the race, she says: “It passed in in the sport, including trainer Fred a bit of a blur. The crowds were Winter and BBC pundit Richard Pitgreat... they cheered like mad. man. “As I went over the water jump I

On race day she had to get remember race commentato­r Peter changed in a tiny bathroom “miles O’Sullevan saying ‘Charlotte Brew is away” from the men, where a sign on still going’ and the crowd all cheerthe door said ‘Lady Jockey’. ing.

Charlotte says: “Richard Pitman “I’ve got a photograph of myself did not like that. He crossed it out jumping the water jump and you can and wrote ‘Charlotte Brew’. He was see people throwing their hats in the air.”verykind.”

None of the officials alerted CharWeeks later, the Daily Mirror treatlotte when it was time to enter the ed her to a VIP flight to the US on parade ring. She wandered outside Concorde. She sat alongside the reigning world light-heavyweigh­t boxing champ John Conteh, who was also a guest of the newspaper, for the day trip.

Charlotte says: “It was such a generous thing for the Daily Mirror to do.

“It was one of the most exciting days of my life. I’ve still got all my memorabili­a from the trip. I’ve got everything, all the menu cards and a copy of the Daily Mirror with us all on the front.

“They laid on a reception at a hotel the night before and there was a huge banquet. It was amazing.

“We got on Concorde and we had champagne all the way there and we had a reception in Washington.

“We had a bus tour then we were back on Concorde and home for supper almost. It was absolutely amazing.”

Charlotte competed in the National again in 1982 but she was unseated at the third fence.

Now Charlotte Budd, she has been riding since the age of seven and has no plans to stop.

“I still love it. I ride every day but I don’t ride in races, I’m much too old,” she says laughing.

“The only time I feel quite normal is on a horse nowadays.

“I do wedding catering and sometimes I’m busy but we always try to watch the National.”

There will be no such distractio­ns on Saturday so she will watch the race on ITV at 5.15pm. And if Rachael, Bryony or Tabitha triumphs, a roar from Somerset will be heard all the way up at Aintree.

“If one of the girls wins I will definitely open the Champagne. It could easily happen. It would be the most exciting thing in the world,” she says.

If one of the girls wins I will definitely open the champagne CHARLOTTE BREW

 ?? SWNS ?? Charlotte Brew trains horses for point-to-point races from her farm at Enmore in Somerset
SWNS Charlotte Brew trains horses for point-to-point races from her farm at Enmore in Somerset
 ??  ?? Charlotte Brew on her horse Barony Fort
Charlotte Brew on her horse Barony Fort
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