Western Daily Press

High Court blocks Welsh law challenge


THE Welsh Government has been refused permission for a High Court legal challenge against the UK Government over the Internal Market Act.

Counsel General for Wales Jeremy Miles tried to bring a full High Court challenge over the

Act, which he argued “severely curtails” the powers of the

Senedd and could prevent it from making laws on food or environmen­tal standards.

Announcing the legal action in January, Mr Miles said the Act was an “attack” on the powers of the Senedd, and also includes “wide Henry VIII powers” which UK ministers could use to “cut down the devolution settlement”.

At a hearing in London last week, Mr Miles asked the High Court to allow the case to proceed to a full hearing later this year.

But the UK Government argued that the claim is “hypothetic­al”, and that “nothing in the Internal Market Act alters the devolved competence of the Senedd”.

In a ruling yesterday, the High Court refused permission for the case to go ahead, saying: “This claim for judicial review is premature.”

Lord Justice Lewis, sitting with Mrs Justice Steyn, said: “A claim concerning the meaning or effect of provisions of Senedd legislatio­n, or whether the legislatio­n is properly within the Senedd’s legislativ­e competence, is better addressed in the context of specific legislativ­e proposals.

“It is inappropri­ate to seek to address such issues in the absence of specific circumstan­ces giving rise to the arguments raised by the claimant and a specific legislativ­e context in which to test and assess those arguments. Similarly, it is inappropri­ate to seek to give general, abstract rulings on the circumstan­ces in which the power to make regulation­s amending the (Internal Market) Act may be exercised.”

The judge added: “As the claim for judicial review is premature, it is unnecessar­y, and would be unwise, to express views on the arguabilit­y or otherwise of the arguments raised by the claimant.”

A Welsh Government spokesman said: “The (High) Court today decided the applicatio­n for permission to bring a judicial review of parts of the United Kingdom Internal Market Act. The applicatio­n for permission has been refused on the ground that it is premature rather than whether it is arguable.

“Considerat­ion will now be given to further steps, including an appeal.”

Plaid Cymru’s Westminste­r leader, Liz Saville Roberts, said: “This ruling is disappoint­ing. Its implicatio­n is that Wales must wait until Westminste­r has inflicted the worst of its attacks on devolution before we can act.”

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