Western Daily Press

‘Super League will ruin English game’

Bristol Rovers manager Barton joins chorus of fury against European breakaway

- SAM FROST sam.frost@reachplc.com

JOEY Barton fears plans for a European Super League will “ruin the English pyramid”. Twelve clubs from across the continent, including the Premier League’s so-called ‘Big Six’ – Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United and Tottenham – revealed plans on Sunday to break away from European competitio­ns as we know it to form a new league.

The announceme­nt was met with widespread fury and accusation­s of greed, and Bristol Rovers manager

Barton believes it could cause irreparabl­e damage to the game.

“I just think it’s sad, I think it’s really, really sad,” he said. “But I think it’s just an indictment of where the game’s at the moment. I wrote about this and spoke about this, I reckon, a decade ago.

“I always felt they were going to go for an NFL model, I always felt they were going to try and close the shop, because that was the only way that these multi-billionair­e owners could turn these football and community clubs into franchises that generate millions and millions of pounds.

“It will ruin the English pyramid, there’s absolutely no doubt about that. I think the legacy of these six clubs making these decisions will have incredible ramificati­ons across the game in this country and probably the rest of the globe enormously.

“I sit here as a very, very wealthy individual off the back of the Premier League being formed and the money football has been able to generate in recent years.

“The Premier League was a breakaway from the old Football League, but it was endorsed by the Football Associatio­n and I think the Premier

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