Western Daily Press

I have lost all faith in politician­s’ promises


I HAVE reached a decision recently that I never thought I would. I don’t think that I will ever vote again. I have lost all faith in politician­s, their promises are worthless. I no longer watch the television news and if I am unfortunat­e enough to come in when the news is on, you can see the lies tumbling from their mouths.

We have witnessed the raising of taxes, and reduction of benefits for the really needy and at the same time we hear from the offensive Sir Peter Bottomley telling the Tory jamboree that the poor little MPs can’t live on a salary of £82,000 per year, they need £100,000 to survive.

What utter tripe! It shows just how out of touch these over-privileged and over-paid individual­s are with the real world. A lot of retired couples live on pensions of little over £1,000 per month. Perhaps this over insensitiv­e buffoon would like to swap places and live on a few hundred pounds a month and see what poor really means. They don’t have a clue.

Labour appear to be a ship without a sail, just drifting in the breeze, and the Tories can’t be trusted at all any more. The list is too long for one letter but the two things from the Tory manifesto which stick in my mind and influence my decision about voting are they said that... “A Conservati­ve government will ensure that nobody who needs social care will have to sell their home to pay for it.”

I don’t see them rushing to fulfil that empty promise.

The second is the continuing fiasco of illegal immigratio­n. In Boris’s manifesto we were promised that this would be sorted out as a priority but it has only gone from bad to worse. Priti (useless) Patel huffs and puffs and makes the occasional speech, promising the earth and delivering nothing. You hear of ex-servicemen living rough on the streets and yet anyone from other countries seems to be able to get accommodat­ion at the drop of a hat. It’s high time we looked after our own first. Charity begins at home.

Moving slightly sideways, Boris keeps saying that he wants to build 300,000 houses per year. I can’t help but wonder, who he is planning to have living in them? If it turns out to be the people who arrive illegally on boats, then he should be putting some effort into sending these people back. Our country’s finances are crumbling and yet we keep borrowing money to give away in foreign aid and housing and feeding people who shouldn’t be here.

You have to ask how much longer can the Welfare State survive?

There are fewer doctors, to get an appointmen­t with a GP is nigh on impossible, and yet we continue to welcome every Tom, Dick and Harry who turns up on our doorstep. These people will need medical care which puts even more pressure on the NHS.

I am part of a generation that left school at 15 and have paid tax and national insurance all my working life. Now retired, and of an age that needs the NHS’s services, seeing my doctor is almost impossible. I believe that we are witnessing the end of the NHS as we know it. I hope that I am wrong but I think we are heading to a situation where the Peter Bottomleys of this world will pay for

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