Western Daily Press

The Mammy’s curse


THIS year’s must-have Halloween costume is undoubtedl­y the iconic green tracksuit from Netflix megahit Squid Game.

But you might decide you’d rather a grab a curly wig and a cardie to dress up as Mammy instead, after tonight’s spooky special of Mrs Brown’s Boys.

It’s been five years since Brendan O’ Carroll gave us a live episode, in July 2016.

And it’s surprising that it has taken him this long to make another – after all, he took great delight in stitching up his co-stars with unexpected gags they couldn’t keep a straight face for… and no doubt he’s planning to cause chaos again tonight!

Details are sparse about this one-off episode, which marks the show’s 10-year anniversar­y on the BBC and replaces the traditiona­l Christmas special.

But we do know that Agnes is getting into the Halloween spirit, preparing to welcome the trick or treaters of Finglas.

However, she gets a shock when an unexpected visitor from her past drops by to say hello.

The odd thing is, nobody else can actually see this strange guest and the family secretly wonder if she’s hallucinat­ing.

Doctor Flynn has no idea what to do, but we’re promised Father Damien will save the day…

And, of course, there will be time for a fancy dress shindig at Foley’s before the credits roll.

The cast are no strangers to performing live, having toured the country with the Mrs Brown’s Boys stage show, but this will be a rare treat for fans.

Anything could happen, especially as Brendan insists the script is “just a guideline”.


BBC1, 9.30pm

 ?? ?? Larger than life and twice as scary, Mrs Brown is back and ready to catch out celebrity guests in this 10th anniversar­y special
Larger than life and twice as scary, Mrs Brown is back and ready to catch out celebrity guests in this 10th anniversar­y special

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