Western Daily Press

Roman Kemp talks to about normalisin­g antidepres­sants, opening up to his dad, and how to get your male friends to talk


ROMAN KEMP didn’t give it a second thought when he took antidepres­sant medication on camera, in Roman Kemp: Our Silent Emergency. Viewers of the 2021 BBC documentar­y, however, were surprised and full of praise for the radio presenter and TV personalit­y – which for him was really telling.

“So many of the population take it! To me, it’s the same as if you’re making a documentar­y about going to the gym, and [people are] like, ‘Oh my God, you drink protein shakes?!’

“It just shows how far behind we are in normalisin­g the subject as a whole,” says the 29-year-old. “It’s not something to be embarrasse­d about. Why would you ever be embarrasse­d about something that’s helping you? How and when did [taking antidepres­sants] became a shameful act?”

The Capital Breakfast presenter – and son of Spandau Ballet and EastEnders star Martin Kemp – has struggled with depression since he was 15, and having lost a close friend to suicide, he knows the importance of being open about psychologi­cal difficulti­es.

It’s why he’s backing a range of new services by Boots, which provide on-demand help to people who need advice and support, including talking therapy and cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). There’s also a mood and symptom checker tool, and access to prescripti­on medicine if needed.

An estimated 1.6 million people are waiting to access mental health support on the NHS and Boots says it has seen a rise in people asking for mental health support in their pharmacies.

As a teenager, Roman didn’t know precisely what was wrong – it was his mum, Shirlie Holliman (from Eighties pop duo Pepsi & Shirlie), who thought there was something “more than puberty” going on, and suggested Roman speak to a GP about his mental health.

“All I could explain to my mum and to the doctor wasn’t that I was sad – I lived a very privileged life, I had the best childhood ever – but I just felt like I was constantly waking up with this kind of dark cloud over my head, and I couldn’t help but be negative,” he recalls.

But seeking help and treatment has been life-changing, and although being in the public eye when you struggle with mental health has its difficulti­es – “It’s tough when you’re having a bad day and someone wants to come and talk to you – but that’s the same for everyone” – Roman feels grateful that his radio job brings him so much joy. “I could be having the worst moment of my life, but I know, for four hours of that day, I’m going to laugh so much... I’ve got friends that suffer from depression, they have to go to their jobs, but no one talks to them and they just sit at a desk. That’s tough.”

Roman has felt even more compelled to encourage people to seek mental health support since his close friend, Joe Lyons died, by suicide in August 2020. Men are still three times more likely to die by suicide than women, and men aged 45-49 continue to have the highest rate, according to the Samaritans.

“I think people are so scared to even say the word suicide, and that needs to change,” says Roman.

Men, in particular, often find it difficult to open up to friends and family about how they’re feeling – “I think because it’s never been the done thing,” Roman adds. “We still live in that kind of world [where it’s seen] as a symbol of weakness. Men are so quick to tell each other what gym routine they’re doing to make themselves look physically better, but they’re not talking to each other about what they’re doing to

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