Western Daily Press

‘Blockbuste­r NHS in age of Netflix’

- AMY GIBBONS Press Associatio­n

THE Health Secretary has likened the NHS to a now-defunct video rental store in a world dominated by streaming services, saying the country has a “Blockbuste­r healthcare system in the age of Netflix”.

Downing Street said Sajid Javid told a Cabinet meeting yesterday that it is “no longer simply an option to stick to the status quo”, and the Government had set the NHS a target of “dramatical­ly improving productivi­ty” to save £4.5 billion per year.

But the Prime Minister’s official spokesman said there was no new money to cover the reforms, beyond what had already been set out by Chancellor Rishi Sunak.

He told reporters: “The Health and Social Care Secretary updated Cabinet on the scale of the challenge post-pandemic, saying we had the Blockbuste­r healthcare system in the age of Netflix. He said it was no longer simply an option to stick to the status quo.

“He said large-scale changes were needed in areas such as the use of technology and data to help frontline workers deliver the highqualit­y service the public expects.

“He said the Government had set the NHS a target of dramatical­ly improving productivi­ty to save £4.5 billion a year.”

Asked what was meant by the Blockbuste­r and Netflix analogy, the PM’s spokesman said the Health Secretary was making the point that some of the “structures and systems” within the healthcare system were “designed for a different age”.

Mr Javid is of the view that there needs to be “big and bold changes to the NHS and care system so the public can get the level of service they expect”, he said.

But asked if there would be any new funds to cover the cost, the spokesman said: “There is no further investment beyond obviously ... the funding envelope already set out by the Chancellor.”

Labour’s shadow health secretary Wes Streeting later poured scorn on Mr Javid’s Blockbuste­r and Netflix comments, claiming ministers talk in “the biggest generaliti­es” without plans to follow through. Asked about the Health Secretary’s remarks on Tuesday, he told an audience at an event hosted by the Institute for Government think tank: “So what?”

“I think it’s slightly absurd that 12 years into a Government we have Government ministers who talk in the biggest generaliti­es without plans to deliver anything,” he said.

“We have a Government that is not governing and doesn’t have answers. It just has generaliti­es.”

Blockbuste­r closed its remaining stores in the UK in December 2013, after administra­tors were unable to find a buyer for the chain.

It had been hit hard by intense competitio­n from supermarke­ts, as well as the shift from physical rental and sales to online games, music and films.

Downing Street said Boris Johnson told his Cabinet the Government was “rightly investing massive sums into the NHS and social care system” and that “the public will want to see further improvemen­ts in the service they receive as a result”.

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