Western Daily Press

Too many people are grossly overpaid


IT is about time that the Government and local government­s, as well as their advisors, were made accountabl­e for their actions when it comes to taxpayers’ money which they have wasted and still are wasting over the years.

If these individual­s were made to pay for their mistakes, I am sure there would be more thought into how public money is spent. This should also apply to all Government department­s. Instead, no one is made accountabl­e or blamed and nothing changes, more money is continued to be wasted and we, the taxpayers, are expected to cough up money we haven’t got in exchange for getting less services, etc.

It is obvious, even with their so-called experts/advisors, Government­s and local government­s are not business people. The way this country is going, drastic action needs to be taken now, but I suppose nothing will change.

Peter Laurence, in his excellent letter ‘Some have to pay for all this wealth’, is right when he says “the reward system of wages is upside down”. There are too many people in different profession­s getting grossly overpaid. It is time these and other millionair­es donated some of their money to deserving causes, the obvious is to give our nurses and other NHS workers a decent wage, as this country needs them far more than senior managers, directors, executors and others in charge, who sit in their comfortabl­e offices and know very little of what is going on outside. We are told by the Government that if the nurses are given more money, it will take money away from patient care. It shouldn’t and doesn’t need to be like this. With inflation rising, wages should go up. It seems to me there is no excuse for most of these price increases, but they all want to get on the ‘bandwagon’. There is too much greed about in Britain and very little respect these days, for all these so-called people in charge.

It is the real workers who deserve and need to be paid a proper wage and that money should come from the overpaid MPs (with all their extra perks) and others who are meant to be in charge, as well as entertaine­rs and sports people who don’t deserve or warrant their huge salaries.

Helen Capel

Winscombe, Somerset

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