Western Daily Press

Protesters making life miserable for all of us


WHY is it that as a nation we are so reluctant to pay a proper price for our defence budget? Have we lulled ourselves into this frame of mind because we haven’t been invaded by an outside power since the Normans and rebuffed the last attempt by the Germans, at great sacrifice by ‘The Few’, coupled with Hitler’s tactical error of Operation Barbarossa?

Complacenc­y is a dangerous state of mind. The defence budget, providing adequate funds, should include not only our undermanne­d Armed Forces but also out overstretc­hed frontline police force, security services and prison staff

– all so important in maintainin­g a safe, stable and pleasant land in which to live, and to save us from internal and external elements who wish to harm our peaceful and stable way of life. Since the Blair years, and particular­ly his now much abused Human Rights Act, we have witnessed the infiltrati­on of people into positions of power within our political, judiciary and educationa­l establishm­ents, particular­ly universiti­es and the civil service, who have been successful­ly instrument­al in disrupting our relatively stable way of life.

Wokery, political correctnes­s, Extinction Rebellion, the ‘Just stop oil’ brigade and lately the Palestinia­n protesters are making urban Britain a miserable place to live for the majority.

Time to reward those who do the ‘dirty work’ on our behalf. They risk life and limb for us. The guerrilla tactics of those who are preventing the removal of illegal immigrants even to a safe haven like the Bibby Stockholm, let alone their legal removal from this country, is a shameful example of how mob rule is working so successful­ly for them.

Just who is running our country? The law makers and law enforcers – or The Mob? Underfundi­ng of our police and security services has been going on for decades because of the ‘It could never happen here’ syndrome. Well it has and it is happening under our very noses.

It’s only a small but vociferous percentage of the population which is hell-bent on ruining the lives and wellbeing of the vast silent majority, so why do we as a nation continue to sit on our hands and not give our full backing to, and reward properly those who put their lives on the line for our very security?

Prevention is better than cure. A word of advice for those who abuse the freedoms of our civilised society... just look at the plight of the people of Hong Kong when a totalitari­an state is holding the reins of power, and thank your lucky stars you’re living in a tolerant and fairminded democracy. Don’t abuse it.

Edward Kynaston Lydney, Gloucester­shire

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