Labour’s plans will destroy countryside
And did those feet in ancient time Walk upon England’s mountains green: And was the holy Lamb of God, On England’s pleasant pastures seen...
THESE are the words of the socialist leaning William Blake. Yet it would seem that, according to the King’s Speech, the newly elected Labour government is willing to destroy this Utopian dream.
Yes we do need housing, yes we do need to become energy selfsufficient. I am not against solar panels; I’m all for them – but in the right place. That is on the roofs of the places using the energy – the supermarkets, the commercial buildings and the houses.
I also believe we need to be food sustainable as well as energy sustainable and also prescription drug sustainable, so that whatever events that may affect us we can stay warm and fed and able to fight illness.
We are very much in need of further green energy, yet we turn our backs on a potential energy source – the Severn estuary. The difference in height from low tide to high tide is the second greatest in the world, so why not benefit from this?
Yes, the plans to build a dam across the estuary were turned down years ago for reasons that were probably correct.
These same problems could be overcome by creating a ring doughnut, or Polo mint structure. The size could range from five metres to 5,000 metres.
The turbines generate the energy using the rise and fall of the tide and are located in the walls of the dam.
The energy generated is available 24/7. It is not sun reliant or wind speed reliant.
There is no limit on the number of generating units that could be built. Brian King Holt, Wiltshire