Western Mail - Weekend



Can you pick the right answers to these ten multiple choice questions?

Can you pick the right answers to these 15 ten multiple choice questions?

1 Which novelist created the character of Chief Inspector Wexford?

A 1 Which Ian Rankin branch of dentistry deals with

B the Val straighten­ing Mcdermid of the teeth?

C A Obstetrics Ruth Rendell

B Ophthalmol­ogy

2 C What Orthodonti­cs is the capital of Japan?

A2 Woshaickha Italian composer wrote

Bthetobkay­orber of Seville?

CA Bkeylolitn­oi

B Rossini

3C Ipnuwcchii­ncih? continent is the volcano Kilimanjar­o?

A South America

B3 Taofrwicah­ich other former profession­al

Ctenansisi­aplayer is Steffi Graf married?

A Jim Courier

4B Wanhdicreh Augsasjasz­i z singer became famous wc itphetthee­ssaomnpgra­as-tisket, A-tasket?

A Peggy Lee

B4 Wethtaicjh­amsceiesnc­e-fiction author wrote

CI, Reollbaoft­itazngderf­aoldundati­on’s Edge?

A Ursula Le Guin

5B Warhthautr­isct.hcelacrakp­eital of Poland?

AC Wisaarscaa­wsimov

B Riga

C5 Wtahllicnh­n French actress starred in Repulsion and The Hunger? 6A Scartkheis­rinpeadrte­onfewuvhei­ch island group?

AB Tjuhleieot­tuetberinh­oecbhreide­s

BC Tbhriegibt­taelebaarr­icdsot

C The Channel Islands

6 In Greek mythology, who had to clean out

7 the What Augean is an stables angle of as between one of his labours?

0 A and Perseus 90 degrees called?

A B Reflex Icarus

C Heracles

B Obtuse

C7 Atcwutheic­h racecourse is the St

Leger horse race run?

8A Wnehwompar­iknetet d A Bigger Splash in 1967?

A B Andy Cheltenham Warhol

BC Daovnicdah­stoecrkney

C Peter Blake

8 In which country is the port of Sfax?

9A Wdjhibaotu­itsi the capital of Australia?

AB Atudneilsa­iiade

BC Calabnabne­iarra

C Sydney

9 What is the longest river in

1th0e Wrehpicuhb­ldicaortfs­irpelanyed­r?was known aas L‘tifhfeycra­fty Cockney’?

AB Jsohcaknyn­ownilson

BC Fsrueidr die Williams

C Eric Bristow

10 Vilnius is the capital of which 1fo1rmtehr­esborvoine­xt risepaubol­irco?ugh of which US city?

A SL atnvifaran­cisco

B Desatlolan­sia

C New Lithuania York

12 11 What Who wrote is the Little gnu also Women? known as?

A Wildebeest Virginia Woolf

B Springbok Jane Austen

C Bison Louisa May Alcott

12 What is the capital of Switzerlan­d?

1A3 Gwenheavta­is the largest Greek island?

AB Czüreritce­h

BC Cboernfu

C Santorini

13 How many lines are in a sonnet?

1A4 Fcourirmte­e nand Punishment is a novel bby Twheincthy-rfouusrsia­n writer?

AC Fyooudr or Dostoyevsk­y

B Anton Chekhov

C14 Lienogtroe­lesktomy ythology, who was chief of the gods?

A Zeus

1B5 Aopfowlloh­ich state of the USA ics Pahreoseni­x the capital?

A Arkansas

B15 Atlahbeakm­hayber Pass separates

Cafgahraiz­noinsatan from which country?

A India

B Kazakhstan

C Pakistan

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