Western Mail - Weekend

AI threatens to add to the growing wave of fraud, but also helping to tackle it

- Laurence Jones & adrian Gepp @adrian_gepp

THERE were 4.5 million reported incidents of fraud in the UK in 2021/22, up 25% on the year before. It is a growing problem which costs billions of pounds every year. The Covid pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis have created ideal conditions for fraudsters to exploit the vulnerabil­ity and desperatio­n of many households and businesses. And with the use of AI increasing in general, we will likely see a further increase in new types of fraud and it is probably contributi­ng to the increased frequency of fraud we are seeing today.

Already, the ability of AI to absorb personal data, such as emails, photograph­s, videos and voice recordings to imitate people is proving to be a new and unpreceden­ted challenge.

But there is also an upside. The government, banks and other financial organisati­ons are now fighting back with increasing­ly sophistica­ted fraud-detection methods. AI and machine learning models could be a part of the solution to deal with the increasing complexity, sophistica­tion and prevalence of such scams.

The rising gap between prices and people’s incomes appears to have made people more receptive to scams which offer grants, rebates and support payments. Fraudsters often target individual­s by posing as genuine organisati­ons. Examples include pretending to be your bank or posing as the government telling you that you are eligible for a lucrative scheme, in order to steal your identity details and, then, money.

This follows a dramatic rise in recent years of fraudulent applicatio­ns to government and regional support packages, mainly implemente­d in response to the pandemic. Here, fraudsters often pose as fake businesses to secure multiple loans or grants.

One of the most outlandish examples of this was a Luton man who posed as a Greggs bakery to swindle three local authoritie­s in England out of almost £200,000 worth of Covid small business grants.

The hurried roll out of such schemes for faster economic impact made it difficult for officials to effectivel­y review applicatio­ns. The UK Government’s Department for Business and Trade now estimates that 11% of such loans, roughly £5bn, were fraudulent. By March 2022, only £762m had been recovered.

Over the past few years, complex mathematic­al models combining traditiona­l statistica­l techniques and machine learning analysis have shown promise in the early detection of financial statement fraud. This is when companies typically misreprese­nt or deceive investors into believing they are more profitable than they really are.

One of the breakthrou­ghs has been the incorporat­ion of both financial and non-financial informatio­n into data analysis systems. For example, the risk of fraud decreases if there is better corporate governance and a lower proportion of directors who are also executives.

In a small business context, we can think about this as promoting transparen­cy and making sure that important positions do not have sole authority to make significan­t decisions.

Such data analytics models can be used to rank applicatio­ns in terms of potential fraud risk, so that the riskiest applicatio­ns get additional scrutiny by government officials. We are now starting to see implementa­tions of such systems to tackle universal credit fraud, for example.

Banks, financial services providers and insurers are developing machine-learning models to detect financial fraud too. A Bank of England survey published in October 2022 revealed that 72% of financial services firms are already testing and implementi­ng them.

We are also seeing new collaborat­ions in the industry, with the likes of Deutsche Bank partnering with chip maker Nvidia to embed AI into their fraud detection systems.

However, the advent of new automated AI systems bring with it worries of potential unintended biases within them. In a recent trial of a new AI fraud detection system by the Department of Work and Pensions, campaign groups were worried about potential biases.

A common issue that needs to be overcome with such systems is that they work for the majority of people, but are often biased against minority groups. This means if left unadjusted they are disproport­ionately more likely to flag applicatio­ns from ethnic minorities as risky.

But AI systems should not be used as a fullyautom­ated process to detect and accuse fraud, but rather as a tool to assist assessors. They can help auditors and civil servants, for example, to identify cases where greater scrutiny is required and to reduce processing time.

Already, the ability of AI to absorb personal data, such as emails, photograph­s, videos and voice recordings to imitate people is proving to be a new and unpreceden­ted challenge

Dr Jones is a lecturer in finance and Dr Gepp is a professor of data analytics, both at Bangor University. This article first appeared on www.theconvers­ation.com

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