Western Mail - Weekend

‘It’s one of the best things we’ve ever done’

Angela Hughes and Wayne Aspland reveal how their new life at a maximum four miles per hour is a labour of love. Jonathon Hill reports


WHEN Angela Hughes realised her partner Wayne Aspland was serious about leaving the family home to live on a narrowboat she started to cry. Not because she doubted the strength of their relationsh­ip, but because she’d laid eyes on the ugly old thing and couldn’t think of much worse.

They’d been to boat shows and browsed the fancy vessels costing upwards of £50,000, but Wayne, who converts vans into campers and motorhomes for work, was set on picking one of the ropiest he could find in search of a project which would be his trickiest yet.

“I don’t think you ever stop thinking of the next thing,” Wayne says of his most treasured asset on a sunny Easter weekend afternoon at Five Locks at the southern end of the idyllic Monmouthsh­ire and Brecon canal in Cwmbran.

The couple – in their fifties – have been moored up here since December with their border collies Phoebe and Bernie on the 54ft boat called Vaila which they bought for £17,000 on Facebook Marketplac­e last May and which they’ve transforme­d beyond measure. It is powered by solar panels on the roof and they’ve installed a central heating system which runs on diesel. There’s a fully functionin­g kitchen with a gas cooker and oven, a fridge, a freezer, a decent sized lounge area with a flat screen TV, a double bed and a compost toilet. The sofa also doubles up as a bed for when Wayne’s daughter visits. Between the open plan lounge and kitchen sits a log burner which fills the boat with a calming, smoky aroma. It’s kitted out with high-speed wifi and a security system. It’s so ideal that I’ve been on the boat less than five minutes and I’ve already forgotten we’re in the middle of a housing estate.

Since May Wayne has lived here and jokes that he has spent so much time here he can no longer find his way back to the house in Oakdale, Caerphilly borough.

According to the Canal and River Trust more than 15,000 people now live on boats in the UK.

“After we met, Ang and I lived together in Oakdale for seven years. I had a camper and she got right into that life and came around to my way of thinking with caravannin­g and travelling around the UK. I’ve never been a fan of being cooped up inside four walls. I’ve always been an outdoorsy person. I had a pension coming out when I was 50 and I wanted to do something with it. We’d had caravans and campers and I just got fed up with all the driving. I wanted a change.

“It has taken Ang a while to get into the idea of the boat but we haven’t looked back. I wish I could afford to retire now to be honest and just spend my life on here. Not that I want to wish my life away, but I can’t wait. I’ve not been back to the house for more than 10 minutes a week for the last 10 months. I have to dig out the postcode to find it.”

The season has come around again and soon they’ll be back on their travels. Not that they’ll go far. The canal is landlocked and consists of 35 miles of navigable water from here to Brecon. They’ll travel at just four miles per hour, the maximum speed limit on the canal, with dog walkers often passing them on foot.

“We’ll be off soon,” Wayne says. “We’ll head to the Open Hearth first (a pub a few miles north), then Pontypool, then Goytre Wharf for diesel. We haven’t put any diesel in since November. They’re really efficient. Through the whole summer we probably used a quarter of a tank.”

“Some might say boring but I don’t think it’s boring at all,” support worker Angela says. “If you were to take your time and do an hour’s cruise a day it would take you a long time to do the whole canal. I’ll never get bored of it. Everywhere you stop is different. The scenery is stunning.”

If it wasn’t for her job, which requires her to have a fixed address, she might be tempted to live here full time. She laughs at how much she’s changed in the last year, explaining how she was won over one afternoon last spring when she’d been left on the boat alone.

“When we bought her she was in a state,” Angela lovingly says of the boat. “The first day we had it I really hated it. We knew nothing either, so it was a stressful time. We didn’t know where to begin or even how to moor up a boat. The first day we got her I remember it was a very sunny day and Wayne’s mum and dad came to help us get her out. We kept going and going and we were eight hours in and found this place in the middle of nowhere at Llanfoist.

“We moored up and then off Wayne went to Spain for two weeks and I’m sat on my own in this boat I didn’t want. I decided I’d paint it all white to basically just see the wood for the trees. Suddenly it really grew on me. I loved being on it alone for that time. It was how peaceful it was. I think it’s a good financial decision and could be something I could see us selling the house and retiring on. I’m already here 15 days a month. It’s like being on holiday.”

With no history of boating in their families Wayne became interested in narrowboat­s while watching Youtube clips of an evening, where he picked up tips on best models and how to renovate them.

“He’d been watching videos for about a year and he kept saying, ‘Look at this Ang, look at this, we’ve got to get one of these’,” Angela recalls. “I was looking at the price of them and thinking, ‘I don’t think we’ll be having one of those on your pension.’

“He said, ‘I’m buying a project.’ When I first saw

Some might say boring but I don’t think it’s boring at all. If you were to take your time and do an hour’s cruise a day it would take you a long time to do the whole canal. I’ll never get bored of it. Everywhere you stop is different. The scenery is stunning

it I thought, ‘Oh my God.’ It was just a shell. I was crying because I knew he was going to buy it and I didn’t want it. We’d been to the local boat show looking around all these big posh boats and I knew the whole time we were going to buy a shell.

“Now I absolutely love it. It’s one of the best things we’ve ever done.”

Rigging the boat up with the latest gadgets has cost a small fortune.

“First it was the basics,” Wayne explains. “It was a shell but to me that was exciting because it was a clean slate to do whatever we wanted. We haven’t stopped and we’ve really enjoyed it. The only thing still here from before inside the boat is the log burner. Electrics had to go in first because it was basically non-existent. We had no power. We got the solar panels on which charge the lithium batteries for the power. Then we got the central heating in. We’ve spent a bit of money. The batteries were £2,500, the inverter was a grand, the compost toilet was £1,200. It adds up. Ang tells me boat stands for ‘bring out another thousand’.”

Fellow boater and local canal lover Joe Taplin moors up beside them and pops in for a chat. He’s stunned at how much progress they’ve made since he last saw them. “It’s getting there,” Wayne tells Joe. “It never stops.”

“No, never,” Joe replies. “They’re like gardens. If you’re into it you can’t stop. It looks much wider than I expected.”

Vaila is over two metres wide and 1.7 metres tall. “I’ve got that,” Joe tells Wayne, pointing to the couple’s map of the canal on the kitchen wall.

“I can’t name all the bridges yet,” Wayne says. “Others are unbelievab­le. Hit them with a number of a bridge and they’ll tell you exactly where it is. It’s impressive. People are really passionate about it.”

The couple have a continuous cruising licence meaning they can moor up anywhere along the canal system all year round, but must move on in waters run by the Canal and River Trust every two weeks. They have been able to stay at Five Locks for four months because the stretch here is run by Torfaen County Borough Council.

“Torfaen council like that there’s a boat here because it shows people use the waterway here, because not many did for so long. It’s had a bit of a reputation,” Wayne says.

For a while the stretch here from Five Locks to bridge 46 at Sebastopol looked a little unloved. It culminated in the canal system effectivel­y closing after developer Taylor Wimpey, which was replacing a bridge as part of its developmen­t of a housing estate, left debris in the water which cut off a kilometre of the waterway. The Bridge 46 to Five Locks Canal Group was set up in 2020 to call on the company to rid the water of rubbish, and the group – which has more than 6,000 members on Facebook – is now a thriving network of volunteers caring for the canal. They conduct weekly litter picks, encourage wildlife, clean the canal of weeds, hold community events, have a camera club, an art club, host history talks, and have recently received funding for informatio­n boards and to install QR codes which when scanned educate visitors about the canal.

“This area primarily needed to have its profile raised because it had been forgotten and that can happen to canals,” Joe says. “There was overgrowth, no boats were using it, there was litter, weeds. It’s really important that canals aren’t forgotten but it takes a real community effort to make sure the water is healthy and the canal is clear and buzzing with wildlife. Boats using the canal are imperative, especially big boats like Wayne and Angela’s because the propellers will cut through the weeds. You’ve got to get rid of those weeds because if there are too many they’ll absorb the oxygen from the water and ultimately kill off wildlife.

“For a long time it wasn’t being looked after as well as it could have been but the canal group does have that drive to keep pushing for better and you can see the impact with the amount of walkers enjoying it and the members interested enough to join our Facebook page. Covid was the big change, with more people getting out and about. We got so much more interest during Covid. There is something called blue therapy, which is how being able to see and hear the water is really good for mental health and wellbeing. I’m not sure if there was that subconscio­us draw to the water, but I do think it put the canal on the map.”

Unlike Wayne and Angela, Joe was brought up on the water. His father had a boat building business where he grew up in Southampto­n, and when he moved to south Wales with his partner and two young children he immediatel­y took his canoe to the canal. “The idea of jumping on the

canoe and heading to Brecon was the dream,” he remembers. “I quickly realised with the speed limit I would basically be going all day to get there, so I bought a little boat – easier on the arms. When you’re on the water you see it in a whole different perspectiv­e. It’s the most therapeuti­c thing and brings a whole new meaning to it.”

Stories of canal restoratio­ns are currently rife across Wales and the rest of the UK. The reopening of the Churchill Way dock feeder in Cardiff drew significan­t attention last year, while the Montgomery canal is being restored for the first time in 90 years so boats can use the 200-year-old waterway again. It comes at a time when the Canal and River Trust has called on the public to help “keep our canals alive” following a reduction in UK Government grant funding for the trust of more than £300m over a 10-year period from 2027. The body says it will “threaten the future of the nation’s historic canals leading to their decline and to the eventual closure of some parts of our cherished waterways”. Last year the trust said it equated to a reduction of 40%. The Department for Environmen­t, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said it had made it clear since 2012 that the trust would need to find alternativ­e funding.

Visiting Five Locks gives a clear indication as to how preservati­on of canals relies on volunteers, regardless of who legally manages the canal stretch.

“Canals can be so important for the economy, as they always have been,” Joe adds. “They’re also extremely important for ecology and our wellbeing. They’re significan­t community assets and should be respected. We’ve worked together with the council which has been very good in recognisin­g that asset and coming up with a 10-year strategy to restore this canal.”

Roslynne Eaton pulls up in the quiet cul-de-sac beside us and trundles down to the water’s edge to tend to the two Canadian geese which Phoebe and Bernie haven’t taken their eyes off for the last half an hour. One of the geese has been nesting here for three years and Roslynne visits every day.

“They have a reputation for nesting in stupid places,” Roslynne laughs while inspecting her quietly from a distance. “When they come back to the area I’m here every day. I get twigs from Llantarnam and when she starts putting those together I start giving her straw. When she’s not incubating both of them will come straight to the car as soon as I pull up. They won’t forget you.”

She began caring for the waterfowl here every day following the death of her husband 10 years ago.

“We loved to go and see the swans together,” she recalls. “And I’ve always had an interest in photograph­y. When I lost him the swans and photograph­y became a big part of my life and I started to really care about the swans and pick up when they weren’t quite right. Then I got into Swan Rescue and through them I met lots of little Canadian geese families which I’ve been looking after ever since.

“It’s a full-time job now. When I’m not out on the lakes and canals it’s monitoring them; when they arrive, when they start taking an interest in

Canals can be so important for the economy, as they always have been. They’re also extremely important for ecology and our wellbeing. They’re significan­t community assets and should be respected

the nest, when they lay their first egg. It’s constant.”

She’s seen an increase in wildfowl here since the involvemen­t of the canal group.

“It can’t be taken for granted, the effort that goes into preserving it, because it’s not like this everywhere on our canal,” she says. “The respect for the canal and its wildlife you get here isn’t a given. I have even seen wildlife deliberate­ly killed in other parts. We can’t have enough people that care.”

On Easter Sunday the group held the annual Easter bunny canal cruise – one of many events to celebrate the canal across the calendar. Wayne stewarded for the event while Joe brought his boat and donned his bunny ears. Angela also volunteers for the group and the couple take their roles as de facto marketers very seriously.

“We’re always trying to promote Five Locks to bridge 46 as a place we love being at and where others can enjoy too,” Wayne says. “We look after the section along with lots of other volunteers. It’s a lovely way to spend your time. I’m actually going to be sad to leave soon because you get to know the walkers. It’s great to see the stretch being so well-used now and that’s down to the group and their efforts.”

Next on Wayne’s list of never-ending jobs is a new sofa bed, although that might have to wait until the winter. “It’s stalled a bit,” he laughs. “You just get so relaxed here it can be a struggle to get moving sometimes.”

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 ?? ??
 ?? ??
 ?? ??
 ?? Mark Lewis ?? > Wayne Aspland and Angela Hughes who live on their canal boat moored in Cwmbran
Mark Lewis > Wayne Aspland and Angela Hughes who live on their canal boat moored in Cwmbran
 ?? ?? > The lounge area
> The lounge area
 ?? ??
 ?? Jon Griffin ?? > Bridge 46 to Five Locks Canal Group has hosted many community events on the canal since it started in 2020
Jon Griffin > Bridge 46 to Five Locks Canal Group has hosted many community events on the canal since it started in 2020
 ?? Mark Lewis ?? > The Monmouthsh­ire and Brecon canal at Five Locks
Mark Lewis > The Monmouthsh­ire and Brecon canal at Five Locks
 ?? ?? > How the boat looked when the couple bought it
> How the boat looked when the couple bought it
 ?? ?? > Joe Taplin on his boat at Five Locks
Mark Lewis
> Joe Taplin on his boat at Five Locks Mark Lewis

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