Western Mail - Weekend


E latest on Corrie, Eastenders, Pobol and your favourite soaps...



A familiar but sinister face from the past reappears in Coronation Street next week.

Bethany is horri ed to spot her abuser, Nathan Curtis, in the precinct. Nathan was imprisoned for his grooming of young girls, including Bethany, seven years ago.

Daniel assures Bethany that Nathan is still behind bars and it was her mind playing tricks, however DS Swain con rms Nathan is out of prison.

After doing some research and discoverin­g that Nathan is working on a building site near the precinct, Bethany and Daniel track him down.

As Nathan rounds the corner, he stops in his tracks. Bethany’s shocked to come face to face with her abuser.

Bethany sees red and accuses Nathan of murdering Lauren.

Elsewhere, Liam and Joseph have a lm night, during which Liam has another panic attack. ey seem to be worsening, but he won’t tell Maria. What he does to, though, is hunt around for hidden sweets while Joseph keeps watch.


Patrick is concerned about Yolande, so Denise suggests he asks Pastor Clayton for advice. Understand­ably, this does not go down well with Yolande, but she can’t bring herself to tell Patrick why. So, she asks Elaine to explain what happened.

As the news sinks in that his partner has been assaulted, a furious Patrick is determined to confront the pastor. Will Yolande prevent him from making the situation worse, and can she be persuaded to report her attacker?

George is devastated to learn that Gloria’s funeral has already taken place, and once again deals with his emotions at the ght club. When he subsequent­ly collapses during a memorial for his adopted mother, will he accept that his ghting days are truly over?

Meanwhile, Billy isn’t convinced when Honey insists their kids have a right to get to know their grandfathe­r.


After Tom mistakenly diagnoses a dog with cancer, he tries to get his fellow vets back on side by inviting them over to a dinner party.

e viewers then see the meal from two di erent perspectiv­es. At the table, Mandy, Paddy, Suzy and Vanessa, endure an awkward evening thanks to the very obvious tension between Rhona and Marlon, which eventually explodes into a very public airing of their grievances.

What the guests don’t know though is that the situation is equally fraught in the kitchen, as controllin­g Tom refuses to let Belle out of his sight. And when everyone else leaves, the situation gets even more terrifying.

Elsewhere, Nicky wants to investigat­e when Sunni thinks he’s seen one of the men behind the homophobic attack in a bar. As he’s been drinking, Ethan o ers to drive, only to regret it when they see a police car en route. Fearing he could also be over the limit, Ethan turns round and loses control of the car, leading to a crash...


Kath suspects that Eleri has a hidden motive for coming to Cwmderi. e villagers start to wonder if there’s more than friendship between Eileen and Sion.

Eleri o ers to buy Jason’s share of APD – will he be tempted to sell? e Clwb Awelon members are shocked by the ery argument between Anita and Diane.

Anita knocks someone over with her car following her clash with Diane. An unexpected visitor arrives at Y Felin.

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