Western Mail - Weekend

A century ago, the women of Wales made an audacious appeal for world peace – this is their story

- As told by Jennifer Mathers and Mererid Hopwood, of Aberystwyt­h University

February 11, 1924, on board the RMS Cedric:

Saw Statue of Liberty glowing in the sunlight. Bitterly cold wind, bright sunshine. At lunch, a press man came to me and said: ‘Mrs Gri ths, I am from the press.’

‘I have nothing to say,’ I said.

‘Oh!’ said he, ‘we know your story of the Women of Wales movement, we want only your photos – will you come to the top deck when you have


So [we] trotted up to the top deck rst class, where we found four burly photograph­ers awaiting us.

March 12, 1924, Los Angeles: A letter was handed to me as I left the station – an anonymous letter, telling us to get out of the United States.

ONE hundred years ago, Annie Hughes Gri ths travelled from her native Wales to the US, visiting everywhere from New York and Washington DC to San Francisco and Los Angeles. But while the diary of her trip describes some typical tourist must-sees – Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, Golden Gate Bridge and Lincoln Memorial – this was no ordinary vacation, and Hughes Gri ths no ordinary tourist.

She was part of a delegation of four Welsh women tasked with delivering what the South Wales Gazette described as a “monster petition” – one which reputedly would have stretched for seven miles if its pages of signatures had been placed end to end. e petition was an appeal for global peace, from the women of Wales to the women of America.

is whirlwind US visit was the culminatio­n of a six-month campaign that had seen more than 400 local organisers go door-to-door collecting signatures in towns and villages throughout Wales. In all, they gathered 390,296 signatures – which would be an impressive achievemen­t even today, when the internet and social media connect us instantly with people around the world. But this was 100 years ago, at a time when cars and landline telephones were still objects of curiosity.

Hughes Gri ths and her fellow peace missionari­es (all of whom paid for the trip themselves) presented their petition to America’s leading women’s organisati­ons and later met the

US president, Calvin Coolidge, inside the White House. But while many welcomed these pioneering women from across the Atlantic, others – including the anonymous letter writer Hughes Gri ths describes in her diary – were deeply opposed to the idea of the US taking a lead role in internatio­nal initiative­s, even those aimed at preventing war.

Despite the publicity the petition achieved on both sides of the Atlantic at the time – and the creation of lasting institutio­nal and personal networks between Welsh and American peace campaigner­s – the story of this extraordin­ary e ort has long since faded from our collective memory. It does not appear in history books even in Wales, and nor is it taught in schools.

We are the editors of a new book, Yr Apêl- e Appeal, which tells this forgotten history, thanks to painstakin­g research by the book’s contributo­rs who combed through the diaries and letters of those women (and some men) who were the driving force behind the peace petition, as well as newspaper accounts and public records from the 1920s.

ere were di erences between the many thousands of Welsh women who signed the petition: language, religion, political a liations, and socio-economic circumstan­ces. But these di erences were unimportan­t in comparison to what united them: the dream of a world without war.

Planning the petition

e associatio­n of women with the cause of peace was nothing new. It had been the cornerston­e of the pre- rst world war internatio­nal women’s peace movement that explicitly linked peace with the expansion of civic rights to women – especially, but not exclusivel­y, the right to vote. e logic was that if women were able to play a larger role in public life and in political decisions, there might be more attention devoted to peaceful means of resolving disputes.

Some 40,000 soldiers from Wales had died in the First World War, while many of their 230,000 compatriot­s who also fought had returned with life-changing physical injuries and “shell shock” (post-traumatic stress disorder). e war’s devastatin­g e ects on Welsh families and communitie­s instilled a widespread determinat­ion that such a con ict should never again be permitted.

For some, the answer lay in a personal commitment to paci sm. Others looked to political parties: the Labour party in Wales experience­d a surge of support that nearly doubled the number of MPS it sent to Parliament between 1918 and 1922, including several anti-war activists.

At the same time, there was recognitio­n of the pressing need for some kind of institutio­nal means of resolving internatio­nal disputes – where nations could be brought together to settle their di erences by discussion­s held around a negotiatin­g table, rather than battles in the trenches. e newly establishe­d League of Nations held out the hope of providing the necessary furniture for peace.

Created by the Treaty of Versailles that formally brought an end to the rst world war, the League of Nations (1920-1946) was envisioned as a practical means of preventing future war. It was greeted with great enthusiasm in Wales, including by David, Gwendoline and Margaret Davies, three siblings with personal experience of the horrors of war – David as an o cer, Gwendoline and Margaret as volunteer nurses in a French eld hospital.

All believed in the league’s potential to transform global politics. And, thanks to the enormous wealth they had inherited from their industrial­ist grandfathe­r, David Davies of Llandinam, they could provide practical support for e orts to realise that potential. In 1919, they sponsored the world’s first chair in Internatio­nal Politics at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyt­h. Three years later, another donation by David Davies (the younger) secured the long-term future of the Welsh branch of the League of Nations Union – then Britain’s largest and most influentia­l civil society organisati­on dedicated to peace during the interwar period.

But while this raised awareness and support for the aims of the league within Wales, its global mission needed the active participat­ion of all nations of the world – or it would never advance beyond dreamy rhetoric to give real hope for a more peaceful future. And from the beginning, the government­s of some nations

were unwilling to join the league – including the most powerful nation of all, the United States.

Collecting signatures

In some instances, three and four visits had been made to the same houses before all the signatures were secured. With very few exceptions, the lady canvassers were very well received. (Local newspaper report, Maesteg – December 1923)

Gwilym Davies, a retired Baptist minister and honorary director of the Welsh League of Nations

Union, was a visionary – a man not only committed to the cause of peace, but with a talent for creating novel and engaging ways of bringing the issue to the attention of the wider public.

In 1922, he had suggested that young people in Wales might compose a message of “peace and goodwill”, and use the new technology of radio to broadcast it to their youthful peers around the world. His suggestion was taken up and began an annual practice that continues to this day, now led by the Urdd Gobaith Cymru (Welsh League of Youth).

e following year, on March 7, 1923, Davies wrote to Mary Ellis, a fellow peace activist and only

the second woman to be appointed as an inspector of schools by the Department of Education for Wales. Davies’ letter contained this deceptivel­y simple-sounding proposal:

Would it be possible for the Women of Wales to approach the Women of America, and tell them frankly of their concern for the future of civilisati­on?

By May 1923, Davies’ proposal had been formally adopted by the Welsh League of Nations Union, and an executive committee formed immediatel­y. While the goal of achieving world peace could not have been more ambitious, their plan was pragmatic: they would call on women in the US to persuade their leaders to join the League of Nations.

Every woman in Wales over the age of 18 was to be approached, to have the aims of the appeal explained and to be given the opportunit­y to support it by adding their signature. As many supporters and advocates as possible would be enlisted to achieve this enormous task – in the many remote, rural areas of Wales as well as its towns and villages.

Yet just two paid organisers, Mary Ellen Pritchard and Ethel Elizabeth Poole, oversaw the entire project throughout the north and south of

Wales respective­ly. Pritchard, widow of the former mayor of Pwllheli, regarded the work as “a calling from God”. Poole, the daughter of a soldier, had a more personal motivation to work for internatio­nal peace: her brother had been killed in France in 1916 at the age of 26.

Public meetings were held to spread word of the campaign in advance of the door-to-door canvassing. Pritchard and Poole spoke at many of these events, along with Gwilym Davies and Ellis. While the impression given by both journalist­ic and personal accounts of these meetings suggests they engendered a great deal of enthusiasm, the following local newspaper report of a meeting in Holywell indicates there may have been some lingering animosity towards the campaignin­g women, as a result of the ght for women’s su rage:

Mr H.T. Roberts said that at one time he had been much opposed to women’s su rage, but now he saw how wrong he had been. Here was a question in which the women of Wales had more right to say anything than anyone else.

Each of the thousands of sheets of paper the organisers used to collect individual signatures was printed with the words of the appeal in Welsh or English, so women could read it for themselves before deciding whether to add their signatures – or have it read to them in the case of those who were illiterate. ese words included the following plea:

We speak simply as the women of Wales – the daughters of a nation whose glory it has been to cherish no hatred towards any land or people, and whose desire is for the coming on Earth of the reign of fellowship and goodwill. We long for the day when the a airs of nations shall be subject no longer to the verdict of the sword. And we feel that the dawn of the Peace which shall endure would be hastened were it possible for America to take her place in the Council of the League of Nations.

nd e petition’s organisers sometimes walked for miles in the wind and rain to ensure no houses in their area were overlooked. e weather in November 1923, when many of these signatures were collected, was apparently very stormy, and some of the petition sheets show signs of having been wet, in addition to the ink stains and nger marks. As Annie Hughes Gri ths would later explain to her American audience:

ere are forms smudged with ink because they were taken from house to house in the rain. ere are forms which are not so clear as we should like them to be, but they were handled from door to door, and there are signature forms which the canvassers took out to lonely places, where the signatures were obtained after a walk of a dozen miles.

ere is a touching story about two neighbours, both living in considerab­le poverty, who pooled their limited resources to buy a shared pen and pot of ink, so they would be ready when the petition came to their doors.

Many of the women who signed had lost loved ones in the First World War. e son of Julia Ann Heywood of Trearddur Bay, Anglesey, had been killed on the Western Front in 1916. e brother of Jennett Bragg of Porthcawl was among 570 men who drowned when the British battleship HMS Goliath sank in the Dardanelle­s in 1915. Both the sons of Lucy Dickenson of Aberyskir Court, Brecon, were killed within a few weeks of each other in 1918.

By the end of January 1924, the process of canvassing for support was nished: 390,296 signatures had been collected. e thousands of petition sheets carrying all these signatures were carefully placed in an oak chest designed speci cally for the purpose. Two copies of the appeal text were written in beautiful calligraph­y and placed in binders made of gilded Moroccan leather. One copy was to travel to the US to be presented with the petition sheets, while the other would remain in Wales.

Taking the petition to America

Planning and preparatio­n for the US trip had

begun even before the appeal was adopted – led by Mary Ellis, who spent months exchanging letters with leaders of the American women’s peace movement. In December 1923, she set o for New York City as the vanguard for the other members of the Welsh women’s delegation, who were to follow in February.

In New York, Ellis met some of the most famous women in America campaignin­g for social and political change: Harriet Burton Laidlaw, Ruth Morgan, Carrie Chapman Catt and Eleanor Roosevelt. Each had honed their advocacy skills during the long ght for women’s su rage, which was (partially) won in 1920 by the rati cation of the 19th Amendment to the US Constituti­on. By 1924, they were directing their e orts to the cause of internatio­nal peace.

anks to the correspond­ence that Ellis conducted with Gwilym Davies, her impression­s of these leading American gures have been preserved. Of her meeting with Catt, she wrote:

It would have done you good to see the wonderful light on Mrs Catt’s face as I told her simply what our little message meant... She was absolutely thrilled with the story of our memorial [petition].

But it was Laidlaw, a formidable organiser with extensive contacts in the American women’s movement, who proved a particular­ly valuable contact for Ellis. She ensured that dozens of women’s organisati­ons lent their support to the Welsh women’s appeal. It was also Laidlaw who arranged for the Welsh delegation to be received by the US president at the White House – Ellis would later describe Laidlaw as the “fairy godmother” of the appeal.

On February 2, the rest of the Welsh delegation boarded a train at London’s Euston station bound for Liverpool, with well-wishers crowding the platform and congratula­tory telegrams arriving from the former prime minister David Lloyd George, among others.

Chosen to lead this delegation was Annie Hughes Gri ths (then typically referred to as Mrs Peter Hughes Gri ths), a charismati­c gure and a gifted public speaker who was at ease

Public meetings were held to spread word of the campaign in advance of the door-to-door canvassing

communicat­ing in both English and Welsh. e chair of the Welsh League of Nations Union and president of its women’s committee, Hughes Gri ths was already well-known in Wales for supporting many aspects of Welsh cultural life, including her work documentin­g traditiona­l folk songs. She was also well connected in Welsh political circles, thanks in part to her rst husband, omas Edward Ellis, who had been a Liberal member of parliament.

e youngest member of the delegation was university-educated Elined Prys, who had done extensive work with refugees in Romania on behalf of the Young Woman’s Christian Associatio­n (YWCA) after the war. Also part of this travelling group was Gladys Melhuish omas from London –while not part of the o cial delegation, she joined the trip as a travelling companion for her friend Hughes Gri ths.

Just before leaving for the US, Hughes Gri ths gave an interview to Welsh daily newspaper e Western Mail, describing the Welsh women’s appeal as being one of “great moral force when it is remembered that it is the result of a nation’s voluntary e ort”. e petition, she said, represente­d a new chapter in a long tradition of peace-making history in Wales.

How the women were received

When we reached land, several leaders of American women’s organisati­ons met us carrying bunches of da odils, whose patches of bright yellow rst caught our eyes among the throng on the landing stage. Our hostesses’ amazement was great when they saw Mrs Peter Hughes Gri ths also holding a bunch of da odils, which had successful­ly traversed the Atlantic in the cold storage chamber!

After a week crossing the Atlantic, the RMS Cedric – once the world’s biggest ocean liner – docked in New York. Ellis had written to warn Hughes Gri ths and Prys that they would be the focus of attention when they arrived, and that they should expect to be photograph­ed for the American newspapers – “so put on your prettiest and smile when you land!”. In the passages quoted

above and below, Prys described the scene at the dock and the welcome that greeted them in a dispatch from America, published in the Western Mail:

e car which met us was ornamented with da odils. From the moment we entered it, we were whirled away into such a succession of visits and receptions as only American hospitalit­y knows how to shower on its guests.

e Welsh women’s delegation spent a week in New York, networking with American women peace campaigner­s and attending social events. Hughes Gri ths gave numerous press interviews and speeches – most notably on February 19,

1924, when more than 400 women representi­ng over 60 American women’s associatio­ns with a combined membership of more than 16 million gathered in the grand ballroom of the Biltmore Hotel in midtown Manhattan, to witness the opening of the wooden chest and the circulatio­n of the petition sheets for the rst time. In this speech, she paid tribute to the many ordinary Welsh women who had lent their names and their support to this unique appeal for peace:

ere are signatures of women of 90 years of age and over – [including] one of a woman of 101 – who were very anxious that the memorial should not be sent to America without their names. Our young university women of 18 years old have signed, but there is also many a cross signifying the mark of approval of those women who in their youth were denied the blessing of education. And there are the signatures of the mothers who, in signing, remembered their boys who fell in the war and now sleep quietly in the blood-drenched elds of France – with each signature, many a tear.

e success of the Biltmore Hotel event exceeded all hopes and expectatio­ns – as Hughes Gri ths re ected in her diary entry. “It was a truly thrilling gathering and one which, in our wildest

ights of imaginatio­n, we have never thought of on such a comprehens­ive scale.” e next day, Ellis wrote about it in a letter to Gwilym Davies:

Mrs G [Hughes Gri ths] made a great speech in every sense of the word... When she read the memorial, Miss Prys and I stood up. I felt absolutely pent up with emotion... e reception by the American women was incredible – they listened to every word and their faces were a study to see. e most wonderful thing is the absolute understand­ing of our own message and mission.

From New York, the delegation went to Washington DC where they were photograph­ed on the steps of the White House and met with

President Coolidge. Hughes Gri ths secured from the president a promise that the petition and its specially commission­ed oak chest would be given over to the safekeepin­g of the Smithsonia­n Institutio­n, America’s national museum, education and research complex. Here it would stay for almost a century, unknown to new generation­s of Welsh women and men across the Atlantic.

Having accomplish­ed their mission of delivering the appeal to the women of America, the 1924 peace delegation went their separate ways: Ellis to visit American colleges, and Prys to reconnect with friends from her work with the YWCA and the Red Cross in Romania. Hughes Gri ths, accompanie­d by her friend Gladys omas, embarked on a two-month peace tour of the US by train, all the way to California and back – meeting women’s groups, peace campaigner­s and representa­tives of Welsh communitie­s, and giving yet more speeches and interviews to the press about the Welsh women’s peace appeal.

It was towards the end of this pan-american tour that Hughes Gri ths was handed an anonymous letter telling her to “get out of the country”. Although she passes over this incident lightly in her diary entry for that day, the episode reveals the strength of American isolationi­st feeling at the time. While many enthusiast­ic American supporters of the League of Nations wanted to see the US play a lead role in future e orts to prevent global war, others blamed Europe for dragging their country into war. ese feared that US membership of the league would only lead to more costly and deadly internatio­nal entangleme­nts.

e Welsh delegation and their appeal landed squarely in the middle of these tensions, and the American women who helped Ellis arrange their visit had complicate­d political waters to navigate.

Harriet Laidlaw, for example, was quick to see the publicity value of a direct, women-to-women appeal for peace, yet took care to emphasise the event at the Biltmore Hotel as a general plea for internatio­nal peace through sisterhood, while playing down the appeal’s associatio­n with the League of Nations.

e Welsh women’s voyage to America forged lasting bonds between the Welsh and American women’s peace movements, and inspired the creation of a new US peace organisati­on, the National Committee for the Cause and Cure of War, which became America’s most in uential peace organisati­on of the 1920s. Carrie Chapman Catt, one of its founders, later described its work as “a way of returning the compliment” to the women of

Wales for their e orts towards internatio­nal peace.

But while many women on both sides of the Atlantic continued to believe in the League of Nations’ potential for peace, the political mood in the US was unfavourab­le. Progressiv­e causes, including internatio­nal e orts to promote peace, were increasing­ly being labelled “subversive” and viewed with suspicion, including by institutio­ns of the US government such as the War Department and the Bureau of Investigat­ion (which later became the FBI).

e US never did join the league, and by the late 1930s the threat to peace posed by Nazi Germany

and other Axis powers meant few were sympatheti­c to the argument that the nations of the world could and would work together to prevent con ict. Although many of the ideas connected with the league were resurrecte­d in the United Nations and associated post-1945 institutio­ns, by then the Welsh women’s appeal had been forgotten by all except those most closely involved in it.

e petition’s rediscover­y

One summer day in 2014, a search for examples of Welsh peace activism in the collection­s of the Welsh Centre for Internatio­nal A airs (WCIA, formerly the headquarte­rs of the Welsh League of Nations Union) turned up a discovery beyond anyone’s wildest imaginatio­n.

In the magnificen­t library of the Temple of Peace and Health in Cardiff, the WCIA’S then-director, Martin Pollard, withdrew a slender brown spine from between reports of statistica­l reports about the arms trade in the 1930s. Made of Moroccan leather and apparently never previously recorded as part of the library’s collection, the illuminate­d gold leaf inscriptio­n on the front cover identified it as: “The memorial from Wales signed by 390,296 women in Wales and Monmouthsh­ire, to the women of the United States of America.”

Inside the leather binding was the text of the appeal, written in immaculate calligraph­y and expressing the anguish, hopes and dreams of a generation of Welsh women who were uniting in a call for peace. Susie

Ventris-field, who followed Pollard as WCIA director, later recalled:

It was a breathtaki­ng moment – spellbindi­ng, perplexing. A Welsh peacebuild­ing movement of a scale beyond any in living memory. How could such a story be hidden to history? How was such a record ‘lost’ right here in plain sight? What of the signatures – did they still exist? If so, where? So many questions… how could we discover the story behind it?

Finding the text of the appeal was only the rst step in a long and complex journey of rediscover­y that remains ongoing. A cascade of crucial discoverie­s has kept this research moving forwards, including the realisatio­n that an old photograph showing four women standing on the exterior steps of a building, with one of them holding what appears to be a large, opened book, was in fact the Welsh women’s delegation in Washington DC – the book was the gift copy of the morocco-bound appeal.

After years of collaborat­ion under the guidance of Academi Heddwch Cymru (Wales’s peace institute) between grass-roots organisati­ons such as Heddwch Nain Mam-gu (Our Grandmothe­rs’ Peace) and national institutio­ns such as the National Library of Wales, the petition is back in Wales. e petition sheets are being catalogued, scanned and uploaded by sta in the National Library of Wales with support from volunteers, and we are getting tantalisin­g glimpses of the

discoverie­s that await us when all the signatures are digitised and available to search online.

Already, the thoroughne­ss of the petition organisers and their determinat­ion to reach as many women as possible comes through very clearly. Organisers in Caerphilly, for example, even acquired signatures from women in the local isolation hospital.

Once the signatures are transcribe­d, it will be much easier to cross-reference individual names with the Welsh census and other public records, opening up new avenues of research into the lives of the 390,296 women who believed, in the words of the appeal, that “the future is big with hope if we, as the women of this generation, do our part”.

Inspiring us 100 years later

A century later, we are building up a more holistic picture of the women who played crucial roles in this story – in particular, how they regarded the cause of ending su ering in war as intrinsica­lly linked to ending other forms of su ering, such as human tra cking, and the way so many of them continued to be involved in the search for internatio­nal institutio­ns and practices to create the right conditions for forging peace.

But perhaps one of the most remarkable achievemen­ts of the Welsh women’s peace petition was that it was able to bypass the formalitie­s of government­s and o cials, and speak directly as a “nation’s voluntary e ort” (to use Hughes Gri ths’ phrase). is was an attempt

to create a more peaceful world that was based on one nation’s women reaching out to another’s. In taking this direct approach, it was the rst peace-making e ort of its kind.

Some might question the value of the Welsh women’s appeal, since the aim of persuading the US to join the League of Nations was never realised. But that, we believe, would be a shortsight­ed response. Rather, it should surely inspire us to re ect on what we can do to support peacemakin­g initiative­s today.

While packing away the petition in a chest might have inadverten­tly succeeded in hiding this remarkable testament to peacemakin­g, the spirit that dared hope for a world without war was not suppressed in Wales. From the peace pilgrimage­s of the late 1920s to the march on Greenham Common in 1981, to 21st-century initiative­s such as the founding of Academi Heddwch and Heddwch ar Waith (Peace Action Wales), the work continues. Retelling this story is part of that work.

A century ago, the appeal called on women “of this generation... to aid in the e ort to hand down to the generation­s which come after us the proud heritage of a warless world”.

at responsibi­lity is now ours.

Jennifer Mathers and Mererid Hopwood will discuss their new book, Yr Apêl- e Appeal, and how the Welsh women’s peace petition can inspire the peacemaker­s of today at the Hay Festival on ursday, May 30 2024.

Dr Mathers is a senior lecturer in Internatio­nal Politics, and Professor Hopwood is chair of the Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies, both at Aberystwyt­h University.

is article is co-published with e Conversati­on, the news, science and culture website written entirely by academics: www.theconvers­ation.com

 ?? Einion Dafydd ?? > Jennifer Mathers
Einion Dafydd > Jennifer Mathers
 ?? ?? Mererid Hopwood
Mererid Hopwood
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? > The Welsh peace delegation in Washington. From left, Elined Prys, Annie Hughes Griffiths, Mary Ellis and Gladys Thomas
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives > The Welsh peace delegation in Washington. From left, Elined Prys, Annie Hughes Griffiths, Mary Ellis and Gladys Thomas
 ?? Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons ?? The peace petition delegates met with US president Calvin Coolidge, pictured at the White House with his wife Grace
Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons The peace petition delegates met with US president Calvin Coolidge, pictured at the White House with his wife Grace
 ?? Wikimedia Commons ?? > Representa­tives of the newly formed League of Nations after its establishm­ent at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919-20
Wikimedia Commons > Representa­tives of the newly formed League of Nations after its establishm­ent at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919-20
 ?? Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons ?? > Carrie Chapman Catt, second left, at the opening session of the National Committee for the Cause and Cure of War in 1931
Library of Congress via Wikimedia Commons > Carrie Chapman Catt, second left, at the opening session of the National Committee for the Cause and Cure of War in 1931
 ?? Nancy Cavill ?? Rolant Elis (grandson), Meg Elis (granddaugh­ter), Gwenllian Calley (great-granddaugh­ter), Esyllt Roberts (great-granddaugh­ter) and other members of Annie Hughes Griffiths’ family on the steps of her former home in Laura Place, Aberystwyt­h at the unveiling of a Purple Plaque in November 2023
Nancy Cavill Rolant Elis (grandson), Meg Elis (granddaugh­ter), Gwenllian Calley (great-granddaugh­ter), Esyllt Roberts (great-granddaugh­ter) and other members of Annie Hughes Griffiths’ family on the steps of her former home in Laura Place, Aberystwyt­h at the unveiling of a Purple Plaque in November 2023
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? Annie Hughes Griffiths holds the Welsh women’s petition for peace at the White House on February 21, 1924, alongside, from left, Gladys Thomas, Mary Ellis and Elined Prys
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives Annie Hughes Griffiths holds the Welsh women’s petition for peace at the White House on February 21, 1924, alongside, from left, Gladys Thomas, Mary Ellis and Elined Prys
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? > ‘No ordinary tourist’: Annie Hughes Griffiths
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives > ‘No ordinary tourist’: Annie Hughes Griffiths
 ?? ??
 ?? National Library of Wales ?? > Heddwch Nain members with the original oak chest at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyt­h, April 2023
National Library of Wales > Heddwch Nain members with the original oak chest at the National Library of Wales in Aberystwyt­h, April 2023
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? The Peace Petition’s cover and statement
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives The Peace Petition’s cover and statement
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? > An illustrati­on of RMS Cedric, which carried the Welsh peace delegation to New York in February 1924
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives > An illustrati­on of RMS Cedric, which carried the Welsh peace delegation to New York in February 1924
 ?? Aimé Dupont/radcli e Institute via Wikimedia ?? American social reformer and suffragist Harriet Burton Laidlaw
Aimé Dupont/radcli e Institute via Wikimedia American social reformer and suffragist Harriet Burton Laidlaw
 ?? British Pathé via Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? > North Wales women’s peace pilgrimage, 1926
British Pathé via Wcia/temple of Peace Archives > North Wales women’s peace pilgrimage, 1926
 ?? Wcia/temple of Peace Archives ?? Pages of the petition filled with signatures
Wcia/temple of Peace Archives Pages of the petition filled with signatures

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