Western Mail



THEY wouldn’t EVER admit it, but my boys don’t really mind school too much.

Yes, most Monday mornings they have to be dragged out of bed kicking and screaming, but once they are on their way to school their protests are gone.

Most Monday mornings it never ceases to amaze me that despite the fact they have jumped out of their pits without so much as a nudge the previous two days, they can sleep through the home-made alarms (you can make a lot of noise with a large pan and wooden spoon), lots of shouting in their ears and bribery.

They also manage to munch their way through two bowls of cereal and a round of toast with a “sore tummy”.

But in recent weeks son junior’s mood has changed. He has been trudging to school even more slowly, his tummy has been getting more sore, and at the end of the day the frown on his face says it all.

Like thousands of other schoolchil­dren in Wales, he will be sitting the National Reading and Numeracy Tests next week.

With topics that have included superheroe­s and the Great Fire of London this year, I normally get quite an insight into the life of an excited Year 2 pupil.

But that has all changed since the return to school after the Easter break. When I ask him what he has done in school he just says one word: “Tests”, and there is no let-up at the weekends as he drowns under a tonne of homework.

Last week an “exhausted and demoralise­d” teacher wrote to Assembly Members, urging them to understand that teachers in Wales are having to reach “unattainab­le goals”.

The same could be said about our six- and seven-year-olds being pushed beyond their limits for tests that will be meaningles­s in the greater scheme of things.

It is not the teachers who are to blame at all, they are just reacting to the pressure put on them for their children to perform well in the tests.

In England, thousands of parents have been calling on Education Secretary Nicky Morgan to drop the tests taken there in Year 2. A petition set up by the group has already received 22,000 signatures.

They have also formed a group – Let Kids Be Kids – and are calling on others to take their children out of school on May 3 for a day of “fun learning”.

I want my children to continue to have the sort of excitement and engagement with learning that my youngest has experience­d for most of this year.

But the relentless testing is just making children feel inadequate and is turning them off education at an alarming rate.

As one mum pointed out this week, her mum is from Denmark and they don’t even start school in many Scandinavi­an countries until they are six or seven.

We all want what is best for our children, but this really is a case of too much, too soon.

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