Western Mail

Students win trip to South America in TV farming challenge


THREE teenagers from Coleg Sir Gâr’s Gelli Aur campus won a dream trip to South America after beating their Anglesey Moch Môn rivals in the final of S4C series Fferm Ffactor.

Victorious team members Aled Davies, Jac Davies and Carys Jones discovered they had won at the Royal Welsh Winter Fair – but they were sworn to secrecy until after the final show in the 2016 series was aired.

All three are 18 years old and and members of Llangadog YFC.

Dairy farmer Jac Davies was delighted his team came out on top.

“We really didn’t expect to do so well,” he said. “To be honest, it was quite a shock to reach the final.”

All six competitor­s in the final were in their teens – the youngest was just 16 – which Jac reckons shows the emerging talent in Welsh farming.

“Although we’re all young, it proves that young people can go for it as well as older ones in competitio­ns like this,” he said.

“It also shows that there is enough enthusiasm and skill among young people in agricultur­e and that there’s a bright future for the industry.”

Since appearing on the show, Jac has become something of a celebrity around the Gelli Aur campus.

“We’ve had a great response from everyone at the college, and we’re very proud to have put it on the map, so to speak.

“It’s a great feeling that the lecturers are proud of us.”

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