Western Mail


- Farewell Innocence by William Glynne-Jones

THIS man had no uniform, but he had been given authority over everyone in the foundry, which was the same thing. And because he had been given this, he thought he had the right to speak disrespect­fully to old men like Robert.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” The manager’s voice broke in on Ieuan’s thoughts. He turned and began to walk away. But once again his mind dwelt on the old labourer who had spoken in such a friendly way.

Poor old Robert! Once he had been young and full of life and energy, but the foundry had sapped all his vitality. Pity for Robert …. Pity for Bill …. Pity for Robert…. Pity for Robert. Ieuan walked into the coreshop, his eyes focused on the ground.

“Here’s the young cocksparro­w, boys. Now’s our chance to tame him.” He looked up sharply.

“Where’s Abraham and the others?” he asked, his breath catching in his throat.

Reg and Charlie watched him balefully.

“The whole tribe’s gone down to the pattern shop, Mister Lord Muck,” Charlie jibed, “and we’re going to pay you back for what you did just now, see? You bloody little tell-tale- tit. Bull! Grab him.” Bull darted behind Ieuan, and the other two lunged forward. They pinioned his arms to his side.

“Now then, lads, all together!” Ieuan was powerless in their grasp. They rushed him off his feet and carried him into the compo shed. He tried to cry out. Reg stuffed a dirty handkerchi­ef into his mouth and screwed a fist into his ears until they ached and burned.

“Dump him in here,” Charlie gasped.

They threw him on to a pile of damp compo. Before he had a chance to resist, the two improvers pinned him down.

“Get the stuff, Bull! Hurry!” Bull clattered back to the coreshop, emitting a loud war-whoop. Ieuan lashed out at his opponents, but they were too strong for him. His efforts grew weaker, and soon he exhausted himself.

“We’ve got the little stoolpigeo­n just where we want him now,” Reg panted. “Hold him, Charlie, while I do the job. Where the hell’s Bull?”

“Here I am.” Bull came forward. In his hand he held a sheet of brown paper and a small brush.

He gave them to Reg.

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