Western Mail

Childhood tantrums that could lead to problems in adult life

Most children will be argumentat­ive at times, but the behaviour of some children is so poor it could be due to what experts are now calling opposition­al defiant disorder (ODD). Health correspond­ent Mark Smith takes a closer look at ODD and what it means f


NEARLY every child in Wales would admit to arguing with their parents and having the occasional tantrum if things don’t go their way.

But a growing number of children are now being diagnosed with a medical condition for such behaviour which experts say could lead to mental health problems later in life.

Opposition­al defiant disorder, commonly known as ODD, is characteri­sed when young children frequently argue and disobey the adults who look after them. In teenagers, the patterns of behaviour can be more extreme and lead to aggression, persistent lying and theft and “serious violation” of rules. NHS guidelines state that half of children with such conduct disorders not only miss out on parts of their childhood but go on to develop serious mental health problems – such as antisocial personalit­y disorders – as adults.

But critics say giving this behaviour a recognised clinical term is just another way of excusing children who are simply “naughty”.

Dr Liz Bragg, an associate specialist in paediatric­s and a spokespers­on for the Royal College of Paediatric­s and Child Health (RCPCH), said: “ODD is often considered to be extreme behaviour, for example excessive arguing, throwing temper tantrums and blaming others for your mistakes.

“It can be associated with such conditions as attention deficit hyperactiv­ity disorder (ADHD) and depression and may follow on from adverse childhood experience­s.

“Individual­s who have ODD tend to have low self-esteem. This is a complicate­d condition and thought to be a result of a combinatio­n of biological, genetic and environmen­tal factors.

“While this condition is likely to run in families it doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get it, just that you might be more vulnerable to developing it than someone else who has no family with it.”

Signs of ODD generally begin during preschool years, but it has been known to develop during primary school and sometimes secondary school.

Experts say these types of behaviour should be displayed more often than is typical for a child of the same age.

For children younger than five years old, the behaviour must occur on most days for a period of at least six months.

For children five years old and above, the behaviour must occur at least once a week for at least six months.

Dr Mair Edwards, a clinical psychologi­st based in Anglesey, said ODD usually stems from lack of boundaries in parenting and lack of appropriat­e “socialisat­ion”.

She said approximat­ely 10% of children may display ODD but this may have increased in recent years.

She said: “The most effective management is for parents to attend an effective parenting programme and for the child to receive praise and rewards for positive behaviours and loss of privileges or loss of access to wanted things if misbehavin­g.

“If parents are consistent, children rapidly learn what they need to do and the ODD will subside.

“Some parents may struggle to be consistent in their parenting due to depression, alcohol and substance misuse, and living in deprivatio­n which makes daily life such a struggle that parents are preoccupie­d with just surviving.

“The combinatio­n of cuts to benefits making families poorer and cuts to services that support families is a double whammy and will cost the next generation dearly.”

Both Dr Bragg and Dr Edwards say medication for ODD is not the answer.

Dr Edwards said: “Doctors don’t treat ODD with drugs – we manage this condition by trying to find different ways to modify the child’s behaviour.

“Counsellin­g for the child might also help and we know finding ways to improve self-esteem definitely helps.

“However, if the child also has ADHD or depression, we would treat that with appropriat­e medication.”

Dr Bragg added: “If the child continues to exhibit ODD into late childhood they are at significan­tly higher risk of developing conduct disorder, and by adulthood may develop anti social personalit­y disorder.

“Left untreated children with ODD are also likely to develop emotional disorders associated with low selfesteem and poor self-efficacy (low mood and anxiety), be at higher risk of developing alcohol and substance misuse, and more likely to be known to youth justice.

“The cost to society if parents don’t improve their parenting skills is immense – but in order to improve parenting skills we need to fund services such as SureStart/Flying Start properly.

“In my opinion medication is highly unlikely to be an effective interventi­on as behavioura­l disorders require behavioura­l management.”

 ??  ?? > Tantrums in children could lead to mental problems later in life, experts warn
> Tantrums in children could lead to mental problems later in life, experts warn

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