Western Mail



“I am the only Conservati­ve still alive who actually voted against joining the EU in the first place. My whip was a very young man by the name of Kenneth Clarke. I was probably the start of his campaign in dealing with difficult women. I can assure you that I did make it as difficult as possible and I did vote against joining – and I have never regretted that for one moment since”

Baroness Oppenheim-Barnes

“President Trump is God’s gift to journalist­s. We daren’t take our eyes off him for a minute” Sir Bernard Ingham, adding that had he been Trump’s press secretary he would have shot himself by now

“Building bridges is a damn sight better than building walls” Actor Hugh Bonneville has a go at Donald Trump

“I have received more abuse over my looks than I have had hot dinners” Former Tory Minister Ann Widdecombe, above

“I hang my head in shame that the leaders of this country, and my party, were not able to win the majority for Remain last June, and it will live with me to my dying day”

Labour peer Lord Liddle

“We’re a bit like a composting machine - whatever comes out the other end is always more fragrant and more fertile than what went in” Lord Dobbs, House of Cards author, on how the House of Lords refines legislatio­n from the Commons

“HP sauce is more addictive than anything I know”

Keith Richards, Rolling Stones

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