Western Mail

Sturgeon’s posturing divorced from reality


I MUST confess a certain disappoint­ment with the Senedd, but I certainly would not accuse Leanne Wood of trying to ape Ms Sturgeon’s grandstand­ing behaviour.

The Scots Nationalis­ts are entitled to make the most of their opportunit­ies, but not to the point where these become petulant or unreasonab­le.

Ten out of 10 to Ms Sturgeon for seizing headlines on the day that the UK Government received the mandate for triggering Article 50. But she knows probably better than most that her demands could not possibly be met by the UK Government at the present time.

Also, given Ms Sturgeon’s preoccupat­ion with Scottish independen­ce, she might consider that trying to remain in the EU if the rest of the UK left, would be likely to be met with scant sympathy from EU states such as Spain, France and Belgium, who face breakaway factions of their own.

The Scottish referendum of 2014 was described as “once in a generation”.

Scotland has done very well out of the Barnett Formula and the concession­s that the Scots have obtained from Whitehall. I don’t believe that most the UK would like Scotland to leave, but one can cry “wolf” too often.

The oil revenues which fuelled cries for independen­ce are a fraction of what they once were.

Our Senedd might rightly be criticised for inertia and lack of imaginatio­n, but it does seem to have a better grasp of the possible rather than giving an impression of Braveheart Mark 2. H Thomas Neath Abbey

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