Western Mail

Not war-war with Spain, May insists


cific role in deciding if a trade deal will apply to the Rock caused deep unease in Westminste­r.

Lord Howard repeatedly compared the situation to the Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands that led to war with the UK in 1982.

He said: “Thirty-five years ago this week, another woman prime minister sent a taskforce halfway across the world to defend the freedom of another Spanish-speaking country, and I’m absolutely certain that our current Prime Minister will show that same resolve in standing by the people of Gibraltar.”

Responding to the former Tory leader’s comments in Madrid, Spanish foreign minister Alfonso Dastis said: “The Spanish Government is a little surprised by the tone of comments regarding Gibraltar coming out of Britain, which is a country known for its composure.”

Mr Dastis met Brexit Secretary David Davis for talks on Monday at the start of a pre-planned two-day visit to Spain and Portugal.

Downing Street characteri­sed the discussion­s as “very friendly and very constructi­ve”, adding that Mr Davis echoed Mrs May’s position that Britain will be “steadfast in our support for Gibraltar”.

A Number 10 spokesman insisted that the deployment of a Falklandss­tyle taskforce “isn’t going to happen”, adding: “All that Lord Howard was trying to establish is the resolve that we will have to protect the rights of Gibraltar and its sovereignt­y.”

Mrs May said: “Our position on Gibraltar has not changed. We will be working with them and as part of our negotiatio­ns to ensure that we get the best possible trade deal for the United Kingdom and the best possible deal for Gibraltar.”

The PM has reiterated her message of support in a phone call to Gibraltar’s chief minister Fabian Picardo, who declared the territory’s 30,000 citizens would not be treated as “bargaining chips” in Brexit negotiatio­ns.

Mr Picardo told the BBC it was “very helpful of Spain to have put this front and centre this early on in the process”, rather than waiting until the final moment to throw a spanner in the works, as some had expected.

“I think Spain has made a huge error of judgment not just in putting this early on, but in effect denying their own citizens the applicatio­n of that deal if they work in Gibraltar going forward,” said Mr Picardo.

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron said: “Whilst the Government seems exercised by the return of blue passports and imperial measures, it is some relief that Mrs May seems to be ruling out sending a gunboat to Gibraltar. It is extraordin­ary that just days after the Government triggered Article 50, a former leader of the Conservati­ve Party has already raised the prospect of war with one of our nearest European neighbours.

“And then, far from seeking to reduce the tension, Number 10 decides to ramp up the rhetoric by boasting of its resolve.

“Mrs May seems determined to lose friends and alienate people.”

 ?? Pablo Blazquez Dominguez ?? offices at the Spain-Gibraltar border yesterday. Tensions have risen over Brexit negotiatio­ns for the Rock of Gibraltar
Pablo Blazquez Dominguez offices at the Spain-Gibraltar border yesterday. Tensions have risen over Brexit negotiatio­ns for the Rock of Gibraltar

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