Western Mail

Party membership has surged in these revolution­ary times


SOMETHING remarkable is happening. Party membership has rocketed. People are parting with their hardearned cash because they want a party to champion their values and shape the future of the country.

It wasn’t that long ago the UK seemed a swamp of political apathy.

In the 2001 Westminste­r election fewer than six out of 10 (59.4%) of us bothered to vote. Things were even worse in the 2003 Assembly election when a mere 38.2% of the electorate took part.

The 2009 Westminste­r expenses revelation­s were more than a scandal. The worst examples of profligacy were so outrageous it looked as if kleptocrac­y class had infiltrate­d the corridors of power.

At times, the big parties looked like wheezing dinosaurs, crawling towards irrelevanc­e and extinction.

But, less than a decade later, the people of the UK have not given up on representa­tive democracy. Quite the opposite.

In 2013, membership of the Conservati­ve, Labour and Liberal Democrat parties had slumped to a historic low of 0.8% of the electorate. But by last year this had rallied to 1.6%.

These three parties have all had bruising experience­s in recent decades but hundreds of thousands of people still see them as vehicles of change. These men and women have such faith in the parties that they are prepared to do more than back their candidates at the ballot box – they will pay membership fees and many will help knock on doors.

Of course, the red, blue and yellow teams are by no means the only options open for voters.

According to a detailed analysis of the state of the UK parties by the House of Commons Library, the Greens had more than 55,000 members in England and Wales and roughly 9,000 in Scotland.

Ukip is understood to have had 39,000 members in July, while Plaid Cymru had 8,273 – a “slight increase” on 8,015 the previous December.

When it comes to electoral galvanisat­ion of a electorate, the SNP are the masters of the art.

The party had just 9,500 members in 2003. Today there are around 120,000. Its extraordin­ary growth took place in the wake of what could have been a devastatin­g moment, the lost 2014 independen­ce referendum. There were just 25,000 members in December 2013, but by October 2014 there were 80,000.

According to the Commons Library analysis, “assuming all Scottish National Party members are in Scotland, SNP membership increased from 0.6% of the electorate in 2013 to 2.9% in 2016.”

Not long ago, there was talk of people giving up on political parties in favour of supporting single issue charities and campaignin­g groups. In an age when social media gives people the power to publish their personal opinions instantly, would people have the patience to put up with the compromise and grind that comes with party politics?

The Scottish example suggests that if a party is synonymous with a sufficient­ly inspiring cause, people from a vast range of background­s will pay a membership fee and unite behind it. Roughly three in every 100 people in Scotland belong to the SNP – imagine if another party could command similar levels of support across the whole UK.

Labour strategist­s may not find much to smile about when they look at UK opinion polls but the party’s membership roll runs to a spectacula­r length.

As of last month, it had 517,000 members. This compares with academic estimates of the Conservati­ve membership of between 130,000 and 150,000 and the February figure for the Lib Dems of 82,000.

Jeremy Corbyn may not feel that he gets much support from many of his backbenche­rs in the Commons, but he knows he is a two-time landslide leadership contest winner at the helm of a party that last year counted 1.1% of the electorate as members.

For all the fears of devastatio­n at the polls, the party itself constitute­s a mass movement. Sure, only a fraction may be passionate socialists who are prepared to campaign in the drizzle, but Labour’s email-list alone could prove electoral gold.

As the next election nears, Mr Corbyn will have to show that he can turn ordinary party members into committed activists who will spur their friends, family and colleagues to help send him to Downing St.

There is just one Labour MP in Scotland, where the SNP won 56 of the 59 seats. Nicola Sturgeon’s party has been a source of pain for committed Labour supporters, but many members of the tribe of Bevan and Attlee will wonder if they can somehow capture imaginatio­ns and stir passions with the panache of the SNP.

A large, zealous and highly committed membership can make life difficult for a party leadership that wants to tack to the centre ground and appeal to voters whose top priorities are ensuring they can see their GP this week and afford a holiday with the kids in the summer.

Tony Blair was no fan of constricti­ng ideology, and he asserted his leadership in 1995 by ditching Clause 4 of the party constituti­on, thus abandoning a formal commitment to nationalis­ation.

But today in Scotland people are turning to the SNP’s brand of nationalis­m in spite of unionist warnings about the economic disaster that independen­ce would trigger. Financial uncertaint­y is not driving people away from the party that dreams of breaking away from the UK – if anything, the sense of precarious­ness about the future has given people a hunger for a sense of belonging.

A great party – no matter whether it is on the left or the right of the spectrum – will give its members a sense of common purpose and even destiny. They will feel as if they are among friends and that together they can change the world.

The wonderful thing is that they are right.

 ??  ?? > The election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party has brought a surge in party membership and he draws crowds whenever he appears
> The election of Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party has brought a surge in party membership and he draws crowds whenever he appears

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