Western Mail

Tories ‘only alternativ­e to chaos and disarray’, says May


THERESA May has said the Conservati­ves are the only party capable of standing up for “ordinary working people” as she accused Labour of abandoning the political centre ground to pursue its “ideologica­l obsessions”.

Launching the Tory campaign for the May local elections, the Prime Minister denounced Labour for “betraying” the Jewish community by letting Ken Livingston­e “off the hook” over allegation­s of anti-Semitism.

Speaking in Calverton village hall in Nottingham­shire, she said the Conservati­ves were now the one party in the UK which had put itself “unashamedl­y at the service of ordinary, working people”.

“As we leave the EU, our Conservati­ve Government will act to protect and indeed to enhance workers’ rights, and guarantee that in a modern, flexible economy people are properly protected at work,” she said.

Mrs May used her speech to frame the local elections as a choice between the competence of Conservati­ve councils and the “chaos and disarray” of the rest.

She said the Liberal Democrats were only interested in securing a second EU referendum, Ukip were too divided to stand up for ordinary people, while the SNP and Plaid Cymru offered “divisive, tunnelvisi­on nationalis­ms”.

She said the decision that Mr Livingston­e could remain a member of the Labour Party after claiming Hitler had supported Zionism showed the extent to which it had moved away from the centre ground

“These local elections present a clear and informativ­e choice,” she said. “The competence of a strong Conservati­ve council, focused on the priorities of local people, keeping local taxes down and delivering high-quality local services.

“Or the chaos and disarray of the rest, political parties motivated not by what is best for local areas, but what is best for their own partisan political interest...

“A Labour Party totally out of touch with the concerns of the British people, which ignores the priorities of local communitie­s and instead indulges its own ideologica­l obsessions. A Labour Party which just this week revealed the depths to which it has now sunk, betraying the Jewish community in our country by letting Ken Livingston­e off the hook

“It could not be clearer that the Labour Party is now a long way away from the common centre ground of British politics today.”

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