Western Mail

Rapist who said ‘sorry’ has prison sentence cut by two years


A RAPIST who targeted an “emotionall­y fragile” woman has had his sentence reduced by two years.

John Thomas Junior Amos, 28, was locked up for eight years last August after pleading guilty to committing the offence on July 14.

Cardiff Crown Court was told last year that his victim, a “vulnerable woman,” was woken by Amos raping her.

At the appeal court sitting at Cardiff Crown Court Gareth Williams, defending, argued his client had been sent to jail using sentencing guidelines that were too harsh.

He also argued there were mitigating factors that had not been fully taken into account.

Mr Williams told the court his client had been full of remorse for his offence, had apologised immediatel­y, confessed to the police, and pleaded guilty at the earliest opportunit­y.

Amos, of Prince Street, Newport, told his victim, “I’m sorry”, immediatel­y and offered to go to the police, he added.

Mrs Justice Bobbie CheemaGrub­b did not find the defendant had been sentenced in the wrong category.

She said before the offence he had told his victim he “was going to look after her”.

Before the attack she told him she did not want to have sex – but later she woke as she was being raped.

“She was scared and did not know what to do,” Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb said.

“He knew he should not be doing it and it was wrong.”

Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb added: “In sentencing the appellant the judge identified the gravity of the offence and that the impact on the victim had been profound.”

She said the sentencing judge had placed Amos’ crime within the correct category.

But she accepted there were mitigating factors and his actions were “plainly out of character”.

“These factors should have allowed the court to pass a sentence manifestly lower,” she said.

The eight-year sentence was quashed and he was given a new sentence of six years in prison.

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> John Amos

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