Western Mail

Police issue warning after rave rumours at old Denbigh asylum


A former mental hospital will be patrolled by police after rumours emerged an illegal rave will be taking place there.

Officers warned potential revellers not to attend any such event at the derelict North Wales Hospital site in Denbigh.

It comes after rumours circulated on social media about an illegal rave planned for April 22 and 23.

Sergeant Neil Stringfell­ow said: “We been made aware of rumours circulatin­g on social media of a planned illegal ‘rave’ at the former North Wales Hospital in Denbigh on April 22 and 23.

“To reassure local residents, we will have officers patrolling the location this weekend and next to deter anyone from gathering illegally.

“I have posted a message to the organisers warning them that they could face arrest or a summons.

“I have also reminded them, and I would remind anyone thinking of attending, that they run the risk of serious injury at this unsafe, derelict site.

“The floors, walls and roof areas are in a state of collapse and the site has been subject to regular arson incidents, weakening the structures further. The building also contains asbestos.

“My strong advice is not to attend any such gathering.

“We will be out and about and we will deal firmly with any illegal activity.”

The hospital, which was built in the 1840s, was closed down in October 1995 and since then it has fallen into disrepair.

Over the years, it has been targeted by arsonists and vandals with many parts deemed dangerous and teetering on the brink of collapse.

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