Western Mail



“US relations with Russia may be at an all-time low. Right now we’re not getting along with Russia at all” US President Donald Trump

“In my experience, ministers’ efforts to correct the imbalance are being blocked by often well-meaning but hopelessly politicall­y correct officials who claim that to support Christians is to discrimina­te against others” Lord Carey, former Archbishop of Canterbury, accusing the Government of illegally neglecting persecuted Christians fleeing Islamic extremists in Syria and Iraq, despite making a manifesto pledge to support them

“The evidence is clear - Christian minorities are being chased out of the Middle East, the birthplace of the Christian faith, and the British Government in its aid policies is not responding adequately to this crisis” Labour peer Lord Anderson

“If Marine Le Pen wins, it’s the end of the EU as we know it” Ex-Baywatch star Pamela Anderson, above, on the far right-wing candidate in the French presidenti­al election

“Diana would have been there in the front row with the pictures taken at the wedding, buckets of confetti” Paul Burrell, former butler to the late Princess of Wales, discussing his same-sex wedding

“Unbearable, a nightmare, like the worst thing that can possibly happen to you” Actor Bill Nighy on doing sex scenes

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