Western Mail

Shop cashier stole £8k from till to fund gambling habit


A cashier stole £8,000 from the shop where she worked to feed her addiction to fruit machines, a court has heard.

Sophie Leighanne John was stealing around £50 per shift to spend on the gambling machines at the bingo parlour.

Swansea Magistrate­s’ Court heard bosses at the Poundstret­cher store in Pontardawe became suspicious about the number of void transactio­ns going through the 19-year-old’s till, and began an investigat­ion – including monitoring her on CCTV.

When they challenged the cashier about what was going on she admitted the thefts, and police were called,

John, of Clyndu Street, Morriston, pleaded guilty to theft by an employee between July 2016 and April 2017 when she appeared before justices.

The court heard she has no previous conviction­s, and was of clean character.

Kerry Williams, from the probation service, said John would visit Castle Bingo every day and play the fruit machine.

The probation officer said John had lost her job with Poundstret­cher after the thefts came to light, but she was keen to get back to work.

Solicitor Simon Howell, for John, said the thefts were “entirely out of character”.

Chairwoman of the bench Jan Langton sentenced her to 18 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, and ordered her to complete a rehabilita­tion course and 150 hours of unpaid work.

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